March 26, 2017

Rainy day, wet?

It was 3:07pm in the afternoon, and I was sitting in the office gazing out the window on how dark the sky is getting. A heavy downpour is definitely going to happen in just a few minutes. And I received a text message from Tim.

[Tim] Hey, did you look at the sky? It's really dark outside. Do you still want to come over for dinner later? -- 3:09pm

[Me] I wouldn't know if I'm up for it. It's so gloomy outside and it's going to rain anyhow. I don't like messing up your place when I arrived at your place. -- 3:10pm

And he did not reply. Did I just make the lamest excuse and pissed him off? He never gets ticked off easily, and he's always accommodating to my crazy demands and requests. Am I being selfish here? This is what we've planned for tonight since last week. I replied again.

[Me] Hey Tim, I'm so sorry. Didn't mean to blow you off like that. Is everything alright? Why didn't you reply? -- 3:27pm

Still there isn't a reply. I'm worried I might have just started a legitimate argument with him just because of my lame ass excuse. I'm really angry with myself right now. He was just making an effort to remind me and now I blew him off just like that. What the he'll am I thinking.

I brush my craziness off and head back to work. I hope I can deal with it later. I'm such a loser! He's a great catch and I blew my chances with him.

[Tim] Hey, just got off from a short discussion. Woh woh woh... hang in there buddy. I wasn't angry at all. Are you sure you do not want to come over? Don't worry about messing my place up. We've done that a thousand times... remember? Hehe... Give me a buzz when you change your mind alright? I missed you. -- 4:09pm

That word "I missed you" makes me feel more like an idiot right now. Why didn't I think of it earlier that he has a meeting? How am I going to reply him now. Now you better suck it up and apologize!

[Me] I'm sorry, I'm over thinking again. How stupid of me. The rain has started about an hour ago. And I hope it's gonna stop anytime before dinner, by then I could just drop by at your place. You want me to pack dinner? -- 4:12pm

[Tim] See, that's why I love you. Don't you ever feel stupid about yourself. You know how much you mean to me. You're always caring and I'm the one feeling dependent on you. I want to see you. So, please come over. I've got everything covered including food, bring nothing but yourself. We planned this together... I hope you don't forget that. -- 4:16pm

[Me] Silly me. I do love you too. Are we over saying "I love you" to each other? I'm seriously thinking right now. -- 4:16pm

[Tim] In my opinion, I think we are saying too much but doing it too few times. I think we should get on tonight like animals by skipping dinner. What say you? Haha! -- 4:18pm

[Me] Oh, just shut up! You don't have to be so graphic about it. -- 4:19pm

[Tim] Hahaha! I know you're smiling right now because I caught you peeping while I was showering just the other day. You're equally as horny as I am. Don't deny it, you were enjoying my performance of a lifetime. -- 4:22pm

I was indeed smiling. Yes, I did peep and god forbid, he shouldn't be so hot! And he should lock that blasted door.

[Me] Goodbye. I'm not going to discuss this while working. Why? BECAUSE I CAN NEVER CONCENTRATE ANYMORE! -- 4:27pm

[Tim] Hahaha... You want a sneak peak? I can send it over right now. Joking! I'll see you tonight. And yes, please be a kind soul get us more fabric softener. You know how you are when you shoot. -- 4:28pm

[Me] Shut the fuck up! You're equally as bad as me. I think I'm getting us a bigger bottle of that softener. -- 4:30pm

***After dinner (at his place of course)***

Dinner was simple. The rain has stopped. We didn't get ourselves wet but we were really hot for each other. When I arrived with an extra box of Durex. He burst out laughing and saying in disbelief,

"I got us another box too." He was waving that same box of Durex too, "how long do you intend tonight is going to be? You know what? You're just one horny mother fucker!"

We both burst into laughter and we hugged.

"Oh what the hell... Let's not waste anymore time." I replied by grabbing him by the neck and started kissing my boyfriend earnestly with style. 

God, I really love him.

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