March 05, 2017

He falls sick

Photo Credit: Waynn Images

He texted me how he's not feeling well and he was asking me for a favor to accompany him right after work. So, I've agreed. Immediately right after work, I called him again and he sounded really bad over the phone. As if he's croaking.

I became worried, whilst I was on my way, I packed up some vegetable soup and bought tons of fluids so that he is well hydrated. I've asked for his prescription just in case he's running out of medication. When I arrived at his place, his door was ajar!

My heart sank and it started to beat quicker than I expected. The thought of him being mugged while he's not well could be atrocious. So I rushed in and saw him lying on the floor facing down with a few of those grocery paper bags scattered next to him near the kitchen island. I kneel towards him and ask,

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Ye.. yes..  I am. I'm actually feeling so weak I can barely move." He replied.

"You went out? For groceries? You should have told me when I called you! What were you thinking?" I retorted.

"I thought I was feeling better already... And it's only a few blocks down. I didn't expect my temperature to come back. Now, all I'm feeling is fatigue." He explained.

"You need to be at the hospital." I suggested.

"No! I just needed some rest." Quickly he replied, and he's back down again.

"You are stubborn as always! We need to do this one step at a time. Let's get up and walk to your bedroom. Are you able to help me move just a little bit?" I asked. 

He nodded and leaned on me as we were heading to his bedroom.

I changed him into his pyjamas and it seems like he's enjoying the attention while I was doing so. I caught that look on his face when I was helping him with his pants. That smirk on his face, he's such an asshole. And after all the trouble I've done for him, he's thinking of the naughty stuff. He's despicable!

I've placed a cold wet towel on his forehead just to cool away his temperature off his head, and with that same smile he said,

"Hey you, thank you for coming."

"You've asked for a favor, remember?" I reminded him.

"Yes... Yes. I remember but you've decided to come to my rescue and this really proof how much you cared for me." 

He was assuring me with his words, and my stomach is feeling all butterfly flapping wildly with agony but I ignored it. So, I immediately change the mood by replying, 

"Hey, I've agreed by coming over to your place through the phone. Don't say stuff like that. Anyway, I'm getting your soup and medicine. So, stay put!"

"Yes, Your Excellency." Sarcastically he replied and he started chuckling again, then again his cough took over with what it sounds like a major asthmatic attack.

Eventually, I've cleaned up everything including a good wash-up for myself before I adjourn to his guestroom to sleep. I went into his room one last time to have a peek that he's all better before I go to sleep. He's still awake, so I asked him if he has anymore requests,

"Do you still need anything? Are you feeling much better now?" 

"Mmm... Yeah, I'm feeling a whole lot better now. What was I thinking, the bed is definitely more comfortable than the floor moments ago," his facial expression suddenly turned cynical and continue, 

"Oh yes... I need one last thing..."

Before he could even ask, I've interrupted and said to him, 

"Nope. I'm not doing anything apart from taking care of you based on medical ground."

"Awww... come on! Today is Naked Thursday, we were suppose to cuddle each other in the nude." He reminded me.

"Are you insane? You're battling a fever right now. Out of the question!" I reprimanded.

"I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about you, you sexy sexy thang..." He was smiling dreamily towards me and continue talking, "So, come on, what say you? Let me enjoy a little of your strip show now. I'm sick and vulnerable right now. I want to treat myself with some eye candy moments from you." He said sympathetically with pouching lips.

In the end, I didn't do it. He was all high with medication and he didn't sound like himself. I sat next to him until he falls asleep. I was holding his hands until he puts my hand right at his manhood inappropriately. I've tried pulling away, he forces it back and snorted with a rough, 


I whispered into his ear, "You asshole."

And the morning came sooner than I've expected... He was awake, so I asked him,

"Are you feeling better right now?"

He was stretching and struggling at the same time. I helped him up. On a side note, I just can't stand the fact he still smells awfully darn good for a sick person. God forbid!

"Yeahh... But..." He staggered.

"Hey, the moment you're feeling better. We will have more than a naked Thursday. Alright?" I suggested.

"Wha... What? I didn't want to go there." He was rubbing his eyes and with a change in his facial expression and say, "But lets discuss that right now. You mean we can do more than one day a week? As in daily?" His eyes beaming. 

"Don't push it!" I eyed him but I couldn't stop my from smiling with a wink.

Hence, I gave him MY morning kiss and his "BREAKFAST" was served.

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