I got home
late from my parent's place. It was past 10 at night and he was no where to be
found at my place. Quickly, I check my phone and I've realized I did not see
his last message and it goes:
Scott: [Hey
nerd, I'm over at Dwayne's. Do join us when you're back. Hope you're here with
me.] -- 15:23pm
Dwayne was
his first love. He told me that because he didn't want to hide it from me. I
know Dwayne has this hot Broadway actor for a boyfriend but I still see the
sparkle in his eyes towards my Scott. I might be over thinking. So, I reply and
trying very hard not to sound jealous.
Me: [Hey, I
just got home. Didn't read ur message until just now. I don't think I'll be
going over, I'm really exhausted. Say "Hi" to them for me please and
remember to have fun!] -- 22:07pm
[Wait what... Why not? Come on over here, babe. Jess, Dan and the rest are
asking for you too! They want to know your side of the story about the 2 of us.
They do not believe my version of the story on how we got together.] -- 22:12pm
[Haha... I have an early meeting tomorrow morning. Spare me and arrange another
time with them, pweeese. Please do not over drink for my sake. I do not want to
smell like Uncle Jack or Uncle Johnny all over my neck and ear when you snogged
me up as we sleep.] -- 22:20pm
{Typing...} -- 22:23pm
{Typing...} -- 22:38pm
{Typing...} -- 23:07pm
What in
heavens name is he trying to tell? Just press enter already!
[Hey, Dwayne's here. Scotty just passed out and I think its best you come over.
Chuck and I will be waiting for you. He is on the floor sleeping. Well, its a
good sign he did not throw up. Even so, he keeps on asking for you and mumbling
your name many times.] -- 23:28pm
Should I go
over? Should I not? I'm facing my own dilemma here. I neither wanted to show
how needy I am nor I wanted to show how much I'm a douche for not bothering. I
know how he calls for my name on some nights when he's dreaming.
Me: [Oh
okay. I didn't know that. I'm on my way over.] -- 23:40pm
I arrived
and rang the bell. Dwayne opens the door and welcomes me in. The initial
jealousy I had for Dwayne became an embarrassment now. I didn't want to come
over in the first place because of all the stuff I'm thinking of what they had
done in that house. My raging jealous hormones again! Stop being such a drama
queen and since when I'm that kind of boyfriend?
so sorry" I said apologetically.
please. It's fine. Don't worry about it." He replied.
Shall we just wake him up instead?" I asked.
"Can I
ask?" Curiously he asked as he ignored my question.
sure." I quickly replied.
you guys really meet in the café by sitting opposite each other over a small
coffee table for the past 5 months?" I guess he really wanted to know.
you are equally as curious as the rest too huh?" I smiled.
you weren't here to witness how he was jumping around just now when he says how
he first met you in the café." He explained with a laugh. Chuck was
nodding in agreement.
did he tell you how loud he farted on that very first time we meet too? And did
he tell you we both crack up in the café when it started to smell as people's
face get twisted?" I shared.
We all
burst into hysterical laughter!
did not even fart right in front of me even we went out for 2 years."
Dwayne said it point blank when Chuck went into the bathroom.
I can't think of what else to say because it seems that my Scotty really likes
me more than Dwayne.
on. We will both help you by bringing him back to your place. Are you up for
it?" Dwayne suggested.
I nodded
with a smile with a sigh of relieved.
We were
back. Right before Dwayne stepped out as Chuck was waiting for him in the car,
he told me something that I'll never forget til this day.
ever break his heart. I know I have hurt him before. Really bad. He didn't even
want to look at me for nearly 2 years. But still, he was the one who made the
first move to ask whether are we able to remain as friends. I have agreed with
so much guilt in me. I know how I looked at him beamingly because that's who
the real Scott is when he is in love. I know. And now that I've seen you, and I
can see why he's so happy with you. You two are meant to be together."
Before he
walks out, I tapped his shoulder and ask sincerely, "Can we be
He smiled
and hugged me as though a heavy weight has just lifted his shoulder and said.
"Oh yes! Yes, please! He talks so much about you and I really want to know
you better as you." As we part, I saw tears shedding from his face as he
waves goodbye towards me.
As I closed
the door and turn, there he was, my Scotty, standing there beside the edge of
the sofa staring at me and confess his first "I Love You" to me.
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