March 13, 2017

Read to me 03 -- The Kiss

It was our 5th date. I was the one who called him out after the fourth date. I've made arrangement to all the activities I've planned all of the activities for that lovely Saturday and he sounded so excited over the phone because he wasn't sure I was up for anything at all.


The routine before I meet up with him:
1) Shower + Teeth Brushing
2) Breakfast (Apple)
3) Mouth wash <-- Always mouth wash
4) Attire: A round neck T and a pair of jeans. Sport Shoes.

We agreed to meet at our local grocery stall because he wanted to get something before we head on to lunch. When I arrived, he was there picking out 2 loaves of baguette.

"Hey Scott, good morning!" I greeted and hugged him.

"Hey Mornin'! Could you help me to decide. Do you think a jar of chunky or a smooth peanut butter is better? Best of all, it's homemade." He winked at me and I smiled.

"I thought you never like noises while you're eating?" I asked.

"Yeah but I thought you might like it." He explains.

"Me? You're buying for me? But..." I was confused.

"HA! I was teasing, I ran out of PB, I'm just being fickle for the sake of choosing which jar is prettier." He teased.



Lunch was really good. We had sandwiches, juice and I ordered extra fries because I was having a really good appetite. He was amused and shared it with me. I remember vividly that he was on a low carbohydrate diet and I reminded him and he retorted.

"Don't go all I'm-on-a-strict-low-carb-diet on me, I've worked really hard to look like this you know".

"I didn't. You told me to remind you." I reminded him.

"I know! And I'm having fun with you right now, could you at least just be a darling and screw diet just for today? For me?"

I laughed and poked his stomach to make my statement. He flinched and grab my hand and started to hold it. I wanted to pull away and he force it and say,

"You know. We have not hold each other's hands yet."

I was really conscious by our surroundings and was looking around saying,

"Erm... There are many people here. I'm not ready to be so public about our relationship."

He let it go with disappointment and replied,

"I'm sorry, I've lost control when I got a chance to be near you." He was looking away.

"I should be the one apologizing, I shouldn't care how people sees us" I was feeling really bad.

"You know what, let's head on to our next plan." He brushes the awkwardness off.


I was at his place and we both had the most romantic dinner in town. We both had rib eye steak and a bottle of red rosé. The waiter -- our waiter for the night, named Lucas, was really friendly, and it kinda got on my nerve at some point. He keeps on touching his shoulder while he was serving us. 

"Hi, I'm Lucas, I'm your waiter for tonight. Would you like to try our specials?" Lucas towards Scott.

"Would your like to try their specials?" Scott towards me.

"What are your specials?" Me towards Lucas. 

Lucas the waiter was still staring towards Scott. 

"Hi!" He's still staring.
"Hello..." He just can't keep his eyes away from him.
"Yoo hoo!!!" Trying to get Lucas's attention towards me, 
"may I know what are your specials? Please?" I repeated.

"I'm looking right at it. Yum... Mamma mia..." Lucas the waiter.

"Excuse me?" We both replied at the same time.

"Oh... wait... You guys are together? Lucas asked.

"Yes. He's my husband. As a matter of fact, we are celebrating our first year anniversary." Scott said it so smoothly while looking back at me as he was holding my hands.

"Could you kindly spell out the specials for tonight maybe?" He continued. 

My heart was beating so fast. I could not handle such magnitude of information. What do you call this? He was so charming, and I was blushing. My face literally became so warm and hot flushes are like pounding all over my earlobes. I can hear pulse banging through the wall of my eardrum. The place was so dark and quiet and I do hope he doesn't know what's going on inside me.

Back at his place, it was nice but messy as expected. The smells of his cologne he was using for the day. --Drakkar Noir-- was still lingering around the place. Sexy!

Lying on his sofa while he was taking a drink for me, I was reminiscing how I was the planner but he was the hero of the day. He reminded me so much of Clark Kent changing into Superman rescuing me from that evil Latino waiter who... wait, I needed to head home. It's already 2:05 am in the morning and I need to be present for early service tomorrow morning.

"Hey Scott, I need to go. I have stuff to do tomorrow morning." I said as I was standing by his TV set.

His head popping out of the kitchen bar, and said,

"No, you're not. You are staying here with me tonight."

"Aww come on. Don't be a spoil sport, please let me go home."

"You forgot? You owe me tonight. You owe me big time. BIG TIME."

"What did I do? I didn't ruin your night. We had a great time, remember?" I reminded him.

"Lucas..." He was holding 2 glasses of white wine heading towards my direction

"Oh..." As I said it, he puts those 2 glasses down.

"Yeah... Oh" He was standing right in front of me, facing me.

"So... what now... how do you wan..." I was stuttering and I can smell his cologne closer to me. It's the mess! Think!

"It's our 5th date and I would like to make a request."

"Yes... and that is?" Swallowing my saliva so hard.

"May I kiss you?" He asked directly.

"Erm... Wha... Now?" I was trying to look away but he was so near as he was holding both my arms.

I froze.

"Yes. Just one kiss. I think you are equally as curious as I am to know how it goes? Don't you?"

Before I could say another word, his lips was already on me as he touches it. And OH MY GOD, his lips are so soft as he brushes them against mine. His hands was all over my jaw down to my neck.

Both of us are moving so much as he motion his lips by encouraging me to open my lips as he opens his which made it more interesting. I pulled away with so much thought. He was equally as daze as me.

"Erm... that was... that was something" I can't form words.
He was so hungry, he grabs my face and pulls directly to the opening of his mouth and we both started a kiss hungrily. 

"Yess..." I whispered.

As he puts his tongue right into mine and toying it around my mouth. He was moaning as he rubs my chest and it was so hot, our breathing was so heavy and we take turns to explore each other.

We were both laying on his couch kissing for a good 17 minutes before we broke it off. Our lips swell so bad and our bottom face were so wet. Together we laugh at each other because both of our pants are weirdly shaped as we were both equally "excited" there.

"This is even better than Peanut Butter..." He said.

I knew it. He was teasing me all this while and now it was my turn. I pulled him towards me as we started kissing until we both think is enough. Is kissing him ever enough? I never think so.

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