About Me

Dear all,

One might be wondering why I have started this blog. I'm a closeted gay and I am brought up in the South East Asian region from a very conservative background. I am also very religious due to how much I am involved in the local community.

I knew about my sexual preference at the age of 14 but I didn't succumb to it because it was really a taboo back then. I remember telling my mom about it but I didn't get the response I thought it would be. So, I lied my way by saying that I was so-called "healed" and I had to lie by telling her I had a crush with a girl for the next 15 years.

No, I don't look like that. It's just an illustration of a closeted gay. I wish to look like that but it's too stereotypical. Let's not get into that. So, here I am, having wild fantasies about gay love. Pen them down as how it runs in my head. I know times have evolved and many in the world has been encouraging us to come out of the closet because LOVE WINS. I'm not ready yet because I do not have that courage. Maybe someday. Who knows.

**Please be kind to me for I have neither experiences with gay love nor even touches a man in an inappropriate manner. So, my stories might come off as naive or maybe not practical.**

But who cares, we're only here to enjoy a little snippet of gay lust and gay rush. Imagine this, when a hot guy suddenly passes by your way and smelling pretty darn good, your senses starts sending signals to your brain and it is working your thoughts like a naughty naughty boy. Isn't that what we all been through?

Lastly, start fantasizing! I know I do.

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