November 24, 2017

Our weekend

Photo Credit: Waynn Images

There he was, reading that Sunday newspaper right across me sipping his scorching hot coffee. We both like it black and sugarless. Scratching his tummy (previously packs) and started talking out loud,

"Honey, remember that shooting I was talking about? It seems like it's another case of bully victimization again."

I looked to him and smiled. He is so adorable when he talks about something that he's passionate about. He could get all emotional if you disagree with him just because his opinion withstand the rest whoever oppose him. And when he knows that you'd equally care about it too, his eyes will turned softer and steal a kiss from me with a gentle,

"I love you."

That itself, breaks me into pieces of sugar fairy dust. And to that, I could sprinkle my love for him too. 

Mama stayed over during the weekend with us, just to check on whether our groceries are all well stocked up before we welcome the winter season. As she was washing up some of our vegetables, he stood up and gave mama a hug and whisper something for her to know.

Mama started giggling, she turned towards my direction and said,

"You, my son, how could you bully him last night?"

"What have I done to bully him, Ma?" I questioned with a cynical smile.

"You're the one to talk, you've snatched off his blanket and left him naked on the bed all night long." 

She'd playfully lectures me in front of me. He standing by her side, with his brows so high and gave me the meanest look. I'm so gonna get him back.

"Nonsense, Ma! I did nothing of that sort. For all you know, he has been kicking me through the night and I did not even complain to either any of you." I just add on to my indirect complains with an attitude towards him.

They both burst into laughter when he brought out a jar of orange juice from the refrigerator and said to mama,

"Ma, come sit with us and talk. I don't want you doing all the work around here when clearly you're our special guest in this house."

He is so charming when he's all hospitable and so welcoming to anyone he enjoys a company with. Mama stops the washing and tap me on my shoulder just to clean off the excessive water off her hands and sat in between us and said,

"You know, I've always been wrong about you both. Dad would never understand the love you guys have for each other. Now that he's gone, I hope he can witness what I'm currently enjoying right now. The company of both very capable adults that truly understand the meaning of being for each other during this difficult time. I love you both very very much."

Mama was a little teary and continue,

"Promised me that you two stay faithful and loving for each other."

He looked at me while Mama was saying that to us. I remember he reminded me last night that I am irreplaceable. And I assured him that too. I hope what we've exchanged remains true until end of time. Mama continues,

"Also, you both are bound to love me, forever!" She giggles as she peak at us.

He and I took a glance with each other and quickly ran over to Mama and gave her the longest kiss until she screamed,

"Oh no... Stop! Gay men kissing me that hurts my cheek!"

We laughed as the oven ticks off with an alarm. Which means, our chicken pie is ready to be served. Mama uses a casserole dish to create that large chunk of pie like she's serving 20 people. I guess, her version of staying over is to sinfully glutton her way with us so that we could spend time and hangs out with her during this grieving period. It has been 3 months dad has passed. I think she needed a break from being alone.

He whispers to me,

"I think your dad will be so proud of you, no matter what the circumstances are. Stay strong with your mama, everything is going to be alright because I will be here for both of you."

And that itself makes me the happiest guy in the whole wide world. And that made me respond to him and said with an earnest heart,

"Honey, I love you."

We kissed.

November 21, 2017


Photo Credit: Waynn Images

I live by the sea for 23 years. My parents died here when I was 4 years of age. I am raised by 2 lovely souls with an enormous heart to care for my well-being. Their loved for me is border-less. They taught me everything I know about the sea. Often they asked, whether I still remember how my parents look like. I always shakes my head with an assuring no. This inkling in me often makes me think if my answer differs, it will break their heart so bad.

Every night, when they'd fast asleep, I will go by the edge of that dock just to stare blank at the darken horizon just to speak with my parents. Asking myself, will they ever recognize me? Will they remember my voice? Whom do I looked like the most? Are my hobbies similar with either of them? I will never ever know.

The occasional moonlight and starlight sparkling reflection through the surface of the seawater reminisce how mama sang that beautiful song for me. She always allows my toes to tingle just a little of that seawater just to make me giggle. I can never remember the words, but I'm able to hum along that sweet melodic music that makes me really joyful.

Here I am, my usual date in the dark, as the salty sea breeze gracing through my face, the humming of mama's music within me starts. I thought it was me but it's not. It felt like it was coming from within me. The humming was as low as my diaphragm tremors, and within minutes, there was a big splash on my right which taken me by surprise. And there was laughter... Joyful laughter... I've not heard before.

"Raphael! Turn around, I'm right beside you!" That voice exclaimed with excitement.

"Where are you? Who are you? How do you know my name? Is this some kind of joke?" The chill goes directly into my bones as I am trembling with so much fear. What is really going on?

"Raphael, Raphael... My dear Raphael, I've been watching you since you were small. How could I not know you?" That voice came back again on my left this round with lots of splashing sound.

"You're scaring me... I'm leaving. This is all a dream. A nightmare! I'm heading back!" I'm trembling with fear and I can't move away.

"No wait! Don't go! I'm your friend. Why are you afraid of me?" His voice is like inches away from my right side now and that endless splashing is really annoying.

"Friend? What are you? I can't even decipher what or who you are. I can't even see you." I questioned him.

The sudden burst of emerald lights and turquoise sparks with all that seawater splashes around me that caught me off guard. I stare directly into the voyage, and still, I'm searching for a creature of any sort that's able to fit that voice.

Photo Credit: Waynn Images

As the figure starts appearing, I just couldn't believe my eyes, he was standing majestically in front of me, fully nude. He's shining so bright which brought much more fear to me. So I boldly asked,

"Who... who... are you? And what... what are you?"

"Raphael, I'm a merman. And my name is Adamaris. You should already know me by now. That song you hum nightly is what brought us to you." That man said so with a voice so thunderous.

"Us? Who's us? What song?" I asking in a state of denial.

"That song your mother hums before she was taken away. We are your guardians from this ocean and you are one of us. I'm in my human form when I'm not part of the ocean, hence my transformation as a merman is when I touch the essence of this earth, the seawater." He explains.

"You... You know my mother?You know my parents? You know them? Can I see them? You do have special powers like what you did just now... I want to see them. I missed them so much, I missed them dearly!" I've lost all control when I say it, and when I knew I stopped, I was already kneeling down sobbing.

He came over to me to pick me up. And without a hint, he came by to kiss me on my lips and the world around me swirl violently and I can't hold on to that whirlpool of rush as I'm being brought to another dimension of time. It was so quick as he pulls his lips away from me and he uttered,

"I think that's enough for tonight."

"You've... You've just... Showed me my past. So much has happened. So much! I can't seem to take it in all at once. Why are you doing this to me? Tell me more, please" I am confuse and clear with so much truth being thrown to me all in one kiss. I couldn't comprehend the magical truth behind what Aradamis has done to me.

"You've just experienced the wonders of the ocean's secret. Of all the people I've known, you have that privileged for me to do so because you're part of us. Now that you've understand the reason behind your parent's departure, I want you to consider this wisely." He took a deep breath and continues, "that song is the royal emblem to our people in the ocean with the highest of respect. Use it for good as I will be watching you always."

"But that kiss..." I uttered something I thought I shouldn't.

"Yes, that kiss I gave you are both magical and personal at the same time. I hope you don't mind the twist towards the end." He giggled.

"Adamaris, I couldn't have thank you enough. I don't know what to say. Is this not a dream?" I blushed.

"Say no more!" As he hands out a necklace full of shining emerald pearls with pictures of my parents in it, and he says, "Raphael, this necklace is made by all of us and we want you to have it. Keep it as it will safeguard your heart with so much love and respect. Call me when you need me. I'm always a hum away."

He jumps back into the sea with a big splash of water covered me and in split seconds I saw him transformed into a full fledged beautiful merman. Shining still, he swam back beautifully into the deep. He turns back and waves goodbye towards my direction and swept off like a speed of light.

So, I thought to myself, I must be dreaming. Or I'm having a vision because this can't be it. It can't be it. A merman...? I'm delusional! I might have just fall into the sea and knock my head somewhere and got  myself thinking there's a merman in this world.

But what's within my hand that I'm holding. That sparkling necklace is what reminds me of the reality of Aradamis. Am I really part of the ocean? Am I part of them? I will never know until my next encounter with Aradamis. Is he real? Was the kiss a sense of my delusional past or was it truly magical? I will never know. 

As I walk home, both my earthly guardians were behind me all this while witnessing that enchanting episode. Mother was sobbing with so much joy and tears and said this to me,

"I was about to tell you when you're ready, but I didn't know they'd come sooner than I expected."

Father said,

"We know you are very special, but we didn't expect them to come so soon."

With a big smile, I assured them that I won't be going anywhere because nothing beats the love and care the have given me. That kiss tells me much more than I need. I know now who loves me more and how their love has brought me up with so much respect of the care that they've been giving.

My time with the dock will now end because I know now the truth that Aradamis has given to me. As for Aradamis, I will treasure that special encounter with awe and wonder. I will call for him again soon but not now. 

Now, is the time for me to love my cute little parents who brought me up with so much tender loving care. That 19 years is what I've considered truly magical to me.

November 05, 2017


Photo Credit: Waynn Images

The morning has come when I have to face what I fear most. It was a new day, a new change. I remembered I was told by him that he is no longer having the same feeling for me back when how we've started. I still remember vividly how he tells me he was through with me during dinner time at his place.

I knew this was coming and I was so downcast that it was this soon. Again, I refrain from arguing with him because I do not see the point in it anymore. All I ever asked was,

"Is he good to you?" I asked sincerely.

His answer to me was cold and harsh,

"That, is no longer your concern. Anymore."

It hurts so much just to hear those words directly from him as the receiving end because I know my care for him have already been taken advantage of. I am just history to him.

I remember he used to yearn and beg for care when he needed it. He would usually asked for more when I was never ready. He will asks for things he think he wants and I'll be sacrificing all of those for him with no questions asked. Truthfully, I am a bore to him.

Now, I know he doesn't need me anymore.

He has been cheating on me ever since I can remember. I know but I never wanted to confront. He has been secretly texting a guy whom I've not met mutually. In retrospect, I'm being too complacent with our relationship, he dominates the entire relationship by meeting all his wants from me.

I do not demand for love like how he does it.
I do not beg for attention like how he asks for it.
I do not practice materialism like how he splurge it.

Surprisingly, what I'm going to miss most is, is his enthusiasm for life. He is always eager to try new things which brought colors to my life. He made me see things in so many different perspectives which no one I know is able to pull such energized stunt in a courtship.

It was 8.06pm and the feeling I had is not sadness. It's a feeling that I am over staying my welcome the minute he asked me to let him go. So, I asked emotionlessly,

"Are you expecting someone? I can pack all my stuff and you can see the last of me from today onwards."

"You don't have to be like that. Why do you always have to talk like that? There will be no one else coming to my place at all. Don't always sound like a know-it-all!" He sounded really defensive.

"Then I guess I'll pack then." I stood up, I know him too well.

"Damn it, Malcolm! Why do you always have to see through me?" He demanded. 

I closed my eyes and inhale a deep breath. Then I looked at him as I exhale,

"You tend to lie every time you want things your way. What makes this lie anymore different than the rest in which you have done before?"

"Then I suggest that you stay. Just to prove my innocence that no one will be coming." He fidget with his fingers around his cell phone. He never changes, he's betting on either his pride, ego or maybe himself.

"There is no need to prove anything. Not to me. I will just pack my stuff and leave. It is painful for me to even stay on here when clearly you do not want me to be around." I quietly move to his room and started packing.

*Door Bells Ring*

Just about time that I finished packing, and for some odd reason, he looks really pale.

He wasn't ready I suppose. As I walked out, he was trying to justify his actions again as he walks by to open the door. And here comes that person whom I've been longing to see.

His new lover.

"Oh hi! You must be..." He squinted his eyes and he was puzzled.

"Hi sir, I'm the help. I'm just trying to clean up the mess as soon as possible so that you two are able to enjoy the evening together." I interrupted abruptly when I noticed my ex-boyfriend's facial expressions.

"Wonderful! Honey, you didn't tell me you hired the help to clean up the house!" He was smiling towards my ex-lover with glittering eyes. "You always know how to surprise me even more, like everyday."

I've packed up my stuff and said to them,

"It's been a pleasure, sirs. Allow me to wish you both a happy evening together. I have to take these out."

"Thank you!!!" His new lover exclaimed.

I closed that door behind me. I wanted to cry so bad. And I heard him say,

"I forgot to pay him."

I quickly wiped off that little emotional tears that I shed and stand confidently outside waiting for the lift. He came running towards my direction and said,

"You didn't have to do that just now. You shouldn't have..."

"Goodbye, Justin. It's been a real pleasure knowing you. I will now move on with mine. And I hope we can still be friends even if we didn't work out as lovers." I hugged him. It was our last hug. A real hug. 

He is now officially my history.

"Friends. Definitely." He uttered with guilt.

Now, all of these seems like yesterday when I actually saw him walking towards my direction with a different partner again. The break seems like yesterday, but it feels like last week? Or was it last month? Has it been longer than that? Ha! I can't even remember how long was it anymore. He is no longer my pain. I have forgotten many of the events that he and I were together.

He was my lesson learned. He is my friend still because after all, he did smile at me while he passes me by. He is what made me new again. And by him making that decision to let me go, I have met my loving husband of 3 years and more (hopefully).

Tomorrow will always be a better day for me. Tomorrow is what I will always look forward for.


October 25, 2017

Bus Ride

Photo Credit: Waynn Images

He always chooses the seat ajar next to mine in the bus. And what do I usually do? Being the stalker-ish person I am; I always take a peek at him from underneath the book I'm reading just to confirm whether he does the same every morning. He never fails to greet me with a very firm baritone voice and a smile,

"Good Morning".

Foolish that I am, I only know how to nod and smile back at him. I hate my Asian heritage of being submissive. It's been 7 months I've been here, sitting the same bus, same seat. And this is all the action we have ever shared. Pathetic, I know. But today he was slightly different, he greeted with a,

"It was a lovely Sunday, ain't in?"

I put my book down with a smile and with my very first reply,

"It was." (Yeah right, like he believes that.)

I dive straight back into my book and continue reading as the journey goes on. With my peripheral sight, the inkling of knowing he is interested with the book I'm reading, makes it even harder to concentrate.

I've been reading that same page for the past 2 minutes, and I can't seem to get past that page. Crap, he's still staring. Oh... I never like those long stares. It's so awkward. I can't deal with that.
Alright, I get it, you're an above average looking man, you often get the attention or enjoy the second glances. And me, I never like such attention from someone else, because I won't do it unto others either.

I just can't concentrate!

Suddenly, (He snaps me out from my thoughts.)

"Excuse me."

He got my attention. I looked at him. Of course I have to look at him... We're always the first two in the bus. Think, you idiot! Think! I mean look, look at him!

"Are you reading a Paul Hudson's book?" He asked as he was pointing at my book.
I nodded vigorously with a pouch lips. And when it came to his senses, instantly he shifted nearer towards my direction with much enthusiasm and got all excited and started to ask whether I've read other of his books.

"Have you read that famous series from Paul?" His second question.

"Oh... 'The Genocide Redemption' series?"  I asked.

"Oh my god, YES!!! You know about that series too?" He was getting more excited now. I have never seen that part of him before. He's so himself right now.
I nod along and said,

"Well, yeah. I've read all 5 of them, waiting for the newest release this September."

His eyes went gold fish and sat nearer to the edge of his seat,

"Yes! I just knew it from yesterday's Hudson's Twitter announcement. And I thought I was the only weird one who reads that series. Oh, the humanity, I've finally found a Hudson buddy now."

"Oh..." I smiled to entertain, "Interesting. But many has said that his books are too...too...(what's that word)" I was trying to recollect what some of the reviews wrote about this series once again. And then it hit me...


He looked at me with amusement.

I raised both my eyebrows towards his direction.

It was so awkward (the good kind of awkward) yet it was so fulfilling at the same time. Then again, we both laughed at each other's jinx. In which, it kind of breaks the ice between our 7 months of nodding, smiling and his favorable greetings.

I couldn't contain myself from uttering,

"I'm actually a big fan of Hudsons'..."

He looks at me and interrupted,

"Me too! Never did I know I could find someone who lives near by, who likes his books as much as I do. We could have tons of coffee session to discuss all of Hudson's Easter eggs in the series!"

Wait, was that an invitation? Get it out of your system! He's out of your league! Just speak! Speak like a normal person, you moron...

"Yeah, I guess we could." I think I gave my awkward smile. It wasn't fair to him.

His smile was even wider than I thought. He was thrilled and suggested,

"Let's do it! This Friday evening then, shall we? It's the weekend. We could have dinner, coffee and maybe some ice cream too if coffee is too caffeinated."

Inside me, I hesitated but I blurted,

"This sounds awesome! Here's my stop. See you again... erm" I've just realised I didn’t know his name.

"Oh... It's Blake."He responded. That was fast.

"And I'm Joseph. Later, Blake."


Is he my new found book buddy? God, I enjoy admiring his charm and good looks every morning for the past 7 months. And what just happened? Now, we both have the same liking towards an author and book series... What are the odds? This is really an actual What-The-Fuck moment for me, like right now. I am so happy inside. It’s like a rush but I couldn’t tell anyone.

He was being friendly not because of me. It was all because of the books that I've been reading all this while. Joey Joseph Lee! Vanilla never goes well with Garlic. Always remember that!

"Hey,  Joseph!!!" Someone called me from afar.

I turned, it was Blake. He was running towards my direction. Alright, you have to be steady, steady like a rock; just do not jump into any stupid conclusions. And please do not embarrass yourself!
He was panting while stretching out with a piece of paper handed to me. The moment I took it from him, he quickly said,

"Please do not get offended by the gesture if you're not." He winks at me, I'm still puzzled and he ran off.

That piece of paper was written in this manner:

Blake likes you.
Blake gives number to Joseph.
Blake wants you to call Blake.
Blake is shy.
Please call Blake.
Blake will wait.

After reading it, I just couldn't stop laughing. I’m definitely smiling. While reading that piece of paper again and again, it’s like a thousand times more. And then, there goes my creepiness by smelling that piece of paper just to check whether it has that same cologne smell of his. And it does.

In fact, I'm so excited to meet him on Friday. It is just like I couldn't contain my excitement. So, I bring out my cell to register his number and texted him a message:

Joseph can't call Blake now but...
Joseph could message Blake.
Joseph can't wait for Friday.
Joseph still can see Blake tmr morning.
Joseph likes Blake too.
Joseph is shy too.

His reply:

Blake is melting.
Blake wants to dance with excitement.
Blake can't wait to see Joseph tomorrow morning.

That's how our story started.
That's how our relationship starting to grow.
That's how we grew to love each other.
That's how we tell everyone our love story.
That's how we decided to get married after 5 years of assurance.
Still, we never fail to read each other's book recommendations.
Blake genuinely loves Paul Hudson's book not just all because of Joseph.
Partly, it was because of Joseph.

During their union vows:

Joseph's vow:
Joseph will forever loves Blake.

Blake's vow: 
No matter what Joseph has said; Blake loves Joseph FIRST!

September 23, 2017


It was a warm night, and I'm down at the laundry place for a quick wash. I always choose Wednesday and Friday, so that I could plan my weekend to fold and do some ironing altogether at the same time. So, my usual Vivaldi's Four Season and a paperback is what gets me through that 25 minutes of wash and dry.

Mrs Myers has always been my laundry companion for the past 2 years. She's this little 72 year old grandma whom we always greeted, and exchange a few words of cares and concerns for each other. After those few minutes of quality times, we are back to our chores. I love her to bits and I will always remember to buy her flowers just to put that cute little smile on her face which brightens up my day and of course hers as well.

I have not been seeing her lately and I was worried for her well-being. But there was this unfamiliar face whom he's just walks in washing his non regular clothing clumsily. Politely, he came to ask how laundry is done. So, I showed him some few good tricks to get most out of his detergent and coins in just 1 wash.

He was appreciative and thanked me with a smile. And that's when I realized he has this very uncanny trademark smile. Perhaps he might be related to someone I know. I might be wrong. My laundry is done and I wondering whether Mrs Myers is still doing well. I wanted to pay her a visit, but this guy still looks busy and confused by sorting out his bucket of clothings.

"Erm... Do you mind telling me again, whether the detergent should be a spoon or two?" He asked with much embarrassment.

"Just one will do. You're just having that amount of clothing, with two spoons, you might wash all of these clothing through the night and still feel them soapy." I explained.

He smiled with an appreciation while sorting out his clothing. And I, with my weakness for men, I've decided to approach him by extending a lending hand.

"I can help, if you want to." I extended.

"Oh, please do teach me. I'm not good with stuff like this and I need to learn fast." He was scratching his head while explaining.

"Says who?" I asked. He just smile without an answer.

As I was sorting out all of his clothing. Suddenly, I pulled out a huge bra. 

I was stunt. I looked at him. My face puzzled. 

He looked at me. Gesturing to explain. He blushed.

I giggled and lifted it up, "Erm... I hope this isn't a surprise that I'm not ready to know." I joked. 

He burst into laughter. 

I really enjoyed the sound of his laughter, secretly.

"You're not into MILF fetishes, are you?" I continued. He just laughs and shakes his head gesturing 'no'.

"Woh... Now, you really brightens up my day. These pile are for my Nana. These over here, those are mine." He was smiling as he was telling me which laundry are who's. I caught a Calvin Klein underwear. So hot!

"Ohh, now that explains a lot. Allow me to apologize with my offensive behavior. I usually think of something witty to talk about. Hope you don't get offended by my crudeness." I sincerely apologized.

"Hey, please don't feel bad. Well, at least you've made me laugh rather than some girls hitting on me during food packing." He smirked. 

Wait, what's that again. He doesn't like girls hitting on him?

"Who's your Nana? If you don't mind me asking." I asked.

"Her name is Nancy Myers. Have you heard of her?"

"Mrs Myer? She's my laundry buddy in this building. Wednesdays and Fridays. What happened to her? It's been quite sometime since I last saw her." I switched and sounded concern all of a sudden.

"She's fallen ill, and she needed a helping hand, so I came by to help her out. I'm just staying a few blocks down. I was recently transferred here for work about 3 months ago." He was explaining. "Oh, I'm Nathan by the way."

"Hey, I'm Kyle. Is she getting better? Can I see her?" Still asking about Mrs Myers.

"Sure! I think she'll enjoys some company. She would definitely love that. Nana has been improving but she's getting a little pampered with me now. Haha!!!" He seems to joke about his complains which was a delight.

"I can see why." Too quick stupid!

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Sorry, I was saying "Now I know why." I brushed it off and I hope he didn't catch that.

"Haha" Nathan eyed me with a paused. "Do you have time for coffee after meeting up with my Nana? As a way of saying thank you for helping me with laundry." He asked.

"Of course!" I agreed so fast because I enjoy the short conversations with him. Sincerely, I think I would want to get to know him better.

************************ 7 months later ***************************

"Kyle baby, laundry now, coffee later?" My darling Nathan just asked.

"Nana first, then only coffee later. Remember?" I reminded him.

"No wonder she loves you more than me. What a kiss ass." He teased and hugged me.

"I love you more. That's why we both kissed each other's asses." I explained with a giggle.

"Shut up!" He nudges me. "I still can't comprehend Nana's acceptance of our relationship. She still puzzles me until today." He said and stole a small kiss from me.

"Haha... Why don't we ask her later?" I proposed.

Nathan's eyes got wider and gave me a longer kiss and said, "Kyle, I know you think I'm hot and you have never admitted it, and you have never tell it to my face before."

"What makes you said so?" He was right but how?

"I can see why" he uttered with a wink.

We burst into laughter and cuddled each other an hour more before we headed to our laundry. Now, the smell of laundry detergents reminds me of how much I love my Nathan.

September 01, 2017

I think too much

In the midst of the night, I can hardly sleep. My last conversation with him was that I can't see him anymore. The words we exchanged have been too harsh. We could stop arguing with each other ever since that day in the event.

I know it hurts him as much as he hurts me. We couldn't be in the same room together. There were a few times I hit him with my bare hands, just so to let my frustration go. He didn't even barge and stood there by allowing me to do so.

He attempted to hug me after every argument but I refused. I couldn't face him; I couldn't even look at him. He's way too foreign to me. We're together for 3 years, 2 major arguments so far, and 1 event which made me thinks of him otherwise.

He wanted to come by and talk some more. I rejected the suggestion but he insists. He came and said,

"For what its worth, I am truly sorry you have to go through this yourself. Let me be a part of this."

I looked at him. He stares back with an apologetic look. I sighed and looked away.

"I know you're disgusted now but it was years ago. I didn't hide it from you, it just didn't come across my mind that this is a thing that ticks you off." He continues to explain.

"Look at me, please." He said as he gestures his hand on my left arm.

I was tearing and I looked at him. He was surprised.

"You mean much more to me than anything. You know you do. We both know that we love each other and so many things come our way and we managed to fight off together because of that simple act of trust, love." He speaks more this time.

"You must know, you are so important to me now. One turn of event, you'd lose hope towards me. You've lost your confidence on yourself either. I don't want it to happen like this. Remember, those nights we exchange words of love and encouragement? Those are not empty talks. It meant something for both of us. It carries weight. Our love." He was being sensible.

"You've made me whole, you know that. It is all because of you." He grabs my arm now.

I couldn't stop crying. I just couldn't. I closed my eyes and the words keep on coming back to me. "Newsflash for you newbie, he will always be mine. And you! You are just something he chooses because he can't get me anymore. You're just THAT rebound guy. My replacement! You hear me? My replacement!"

"Why would you allow it to happen?" I asked him as I was holding up my tear jerk, trying very hard to speak in proper sentences. "You were supposed to protect me from him. How could you allow that to happen? I am in shocked to hear those words being uttered by him and I couldn't stop picturing both of you together."

He was wiping away my tears. He was tearing up too. Mouthing “I'm so sorry."

"You were supposed to shield me from him. You were nowhere to be found. You didn't come to my rescue. I couldn't stop thinking what he'd said to me." I cried again after I speak.

"I know. I know. But we just didn't do anything unimaginable. It was a gig night and he pulled me aside for a short kiss just to show others he knows me." He speaks calmly. "You know the drill of who's being who's friend in the circle just to get themselves up there. My guess would be, he knows you were there and he doesn't want to lose face just because we are a couple.

I couldn't stop crying. That jerk who spoke to me that night destroyed my idealism of love. He made it so artificial. He made love so superficial. That monster is an abomination to do such a thing towards the sanctity of love that I once thought was pure. That evil he has inside just reminded me how much he has ruin my trust towards the community.

He tries to hug me. I didn't push him away this time. Why would someone made up stories about him this way? Why?

Just few nights ago, a friend of mine texted me about that guy who hurt us both, telling me he was actually trying to get back into the film industry through my boyfriend. I didn't tell him at all because I felt bad for him for things I've said to him. My anger was outraged.

He was wiping away my tears and started kissing me on my lips. "It will always be you. Forever you. I will not let him destroy what we have so far. We are too damn good." He assured me with much love.

"I'm so sorry about the things I said to you." I apologize

He kisses me even more. I returned the kiss.

"Does this mean we're okay?" He asked.

I jumped on him and hugged him like a bear. He bursts into laughter. And we both laugh at our silliness.

"Yes! We are okay, my famous boyfriend." I said.

"Stop that, you know the fame thing is never real." He reprimanded with a tender tone.

"I know I know. You've said that like a million times more. You're an old man to me now." I joked.

He grins at me and take me hand and kiss it and said, "You are mine forever."

I will never want to doubt him and never want to let him go ever again. He's mine. Forever mine. My famous little boyfriend.

August 13, 2017


I was woken up by the sound of our room door opening at 3:24 am in the morning, the room was cold, and it was dark. The sound of him coming back reminds me of what he told me this afternoon that he will be late. What I didn't expect was, he was never this late.

He was trying to be as quiet as possible so that I would not be disturbed by the noise he's been making. And the room was pitch black but I could even picture each and every move he made in my mind. I just couldn't stop myself from thinking negatively as to why it has to be this late? I refrained myself. I just refuse to think of him that way. I just couldn't help myself from thinking.

He inches his way into the bathroom and started showering. The sound of the rushing water hitting his body made it worse. For me at least. Was it just a daily shower? Or was there someone else? Should I know? Will he tell?

He came out drying off and immediately slip under the silky blanket that we shared. He lays there and stop. That made me stop breathing too.

Slowly, he came over to hug me. And whisper towards my ears,

"I'm sorry." He moved in closer. "And I'd really miss you at work today." He took a sniff from my neck.

I moved a little. I could feel every part of him behind me with so much warmth.

"I know you must be worried sick when I'm home this late." He continued "Also, I guess I couldn't play with my hunny bunny anymore, just for tonight?"

I giggled. That idiot.

"Wait, did I just hear giggling? Come over!" He exclaimed with a hard yet loving tone.

I turned to face him. He was already smelling so fresh and good under the sheet hugging me. My head just went into arms and started putting my arms around him. He started laughing...

"I promised I will not be this late again. I know you. Your mind is never kind to me. You must be thinking that I'm cheating outside. Am I right?"

His nipple was inches away and I bit it!

"Ouch!!! Okok... I will stop teasing you now." He was rubbing it, "It is painful you know." He continues to hug me and said "You've made your point pretty clear about your worrying for me. And... I'm glad to have you worry for me. Well, next time, when you're in doubt, at least a text from you saying you're worried, and I'll tell you where I am with a video call. Deal?"

I've continued hugging him through out the night and felt at ease with his assurance. He always sounded so assuring to me that everything is going to be okay. Will it? I don't know. I will never know. But what I know now is, he is with me now. I am with him now.

And that's what matter most. Now.