November 24, 2017

Our weekend

Photo Credit: Waynn Images

There he was, reading that Sunday newspaper right across me sipping his scorching hot coffee. We both like it black and sugarless. Scratching his tummy (previously packs) and started talking out loud,

"Honey, remember that shooting I was talking about? It seems like it's another case of bully victimization again."

I looked to him and smiled. He is so adorable when he talks about something that he's passionate about. He could get all emotional if you disagree with him just because his opinion withstand the rest whoever oppose him. And when he knows that you'd equally care about it too, his eyes will turned softer and steal a kiss from me with a gentle,

"I love you."

That itself, breaks me into pieces of sugar fairy dust. And to that, I could sprinkle my love for him too. 

Mama stayed over during the weekend with us, just to check on whether our groceries are all well stocked up before we welcome the winter season. As she was washing up some of our vegetables, he stood up and gave mama a hug and whisper something for her to know.

Mama started giggling, she turned towards my direction and said,

"You, my son, how could you bully him last night?"

"What have I done to bully him, Ma?" I questioned with a cynical smile.

"You're the one to talk, you've snatched off his blanket and left him naked on the bed all night long." 

She'd playfully lectures me in front of me. He standing by her side, with his brows so high and gave me the meanest look. I'm so gonna get him back.

"Nonsense, Ma! I did nothing of that sort. For all you know, he has been kicking me through the night and I did not even complain to either any of you." I just add on to my indirect complains with an attitude towards him.

They both burst into laughter when he brought out a jar of orange juice from the refrigerator and said to mama,

"Ma, come sit with us and talk. I don't want you doing all the work around here when clearly you're our special guest in this house."

He is so charming when he's all hospitable and so welcoming to anyone he enjoys a company with. Mama stops the washing and tap me on my shoulder just to clean off the excessive water off her hands and sat in between us and said,

"You know, I've always been wrong about you both. Dad would never understand the love you guys have for each other. Now that he's gone, I hope he can witness what I'm currently enjoying right now. The company of both very capable adults that truly understand the meaning of being for each other during this difficult time. I love you both very very much."

Mama was a little teary and continue,

"Promised me that you two stay faithful and loving for each other."

He looked at me while Mama was saying that to us. I remember he reminded me last night that I am irreplaceable. And I assured him that too. I hope what we've exchanged remains true until end of time. Mama continues,

"Also, you both are bound to love me, forever!" She giggles as she peak at us.

He and I took a glance with each other and quickly ran over to Mama and gave her the longest kiss until she screamed,

"Oh no... Stop! Gay men kissing me that hurts my cheek!"

We laughed as the oven ticks off with an alarm. Which means, our chicken pie is ready to be served. Mama uses a casserole dish to create that large chunk of pie like she's serving 20 people. I guess, her version of staying over is to sinfully glutton her way with us so that we could spend time and hangs out with her during this grieving period. It has been 3 months dad has passed. I think she needed a break from being alone.

He whispers to me,

"I think your dad will be so proud of you, no matter what the circumstances are. Stay strong with your mama, everything is going to be alright because I will be here for both of you."

And that itself makes me the happiest guy in the whole wide world. And that made me respond to him and said with an earnest heart,

"Honey, I love you."

We kissed.

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