March 26, 2017

Rainy day, wet?

It was 3:07pm in the afternoon, and I was sitting in the office gazing out the window on how dark the sky is getting. A heavy downpour is definitely going to happen in just a few minutes. And I received a text message from Tim.

[Tim] Hey, did you look at the sky? It's really dark outside. Do you still want to come over for dinner later? -- 3:09pm

[Me] I wouldn't know if I'm up for it. It's so gloomy outside and it's going to rain anyhow. I don't like messing up your place when I arrived at your place. -- 3:10pm

And he did not reply. Did I just make the lamest excuse and pissed him off? He never gets ticked off easily, and he's always accommodating to my crazy demands and requests. Am I being selfish here? This is what we've planned for tonight since last week. I replied again.

[Me] Hey Tim, I'm so sorry. Didn't mean to blow you off like that. Is everything alright? Why didn't you reply? -- 3:27pm

Still there isn't a reply. I'm worried I might have just started a legitimate argument with him just because of my lame ass excuse. I'm really angry with myself right now. He was just making an effort to remind me and now I blew him off just like that. What the he'll am I thinking.

I brush my craziness off and head back to work. I hope I can deal with it later. I'm such a loser! He's a great catch and I blew my chances with him.

[Tim] Hey, just got off from a short discussion. Woh woh woh... hang in there buddy. I wasn't angry at all. Are you sure you do not want to come over? Don't worry about messing my place up. We've done that a thousand times... remember? Hehe... Give me a buzz when you change your mind alright? I missed you. -- 4:09pm

That word "I missed you" makes me feel more like an idiot right now. Why didn't I think of it earlier that he has a meeting? How am I going to reply him now. Now you better suck it up and apologize!

[Me] I'm sorry, I'm over thinking again. How stupid of me. The rain has started about an hour ago. And I hope it's gonna stop anytime before dinner, by then I could just drop by at your place. You want me to pack dinner? -- 4:12pm

[Tim] See, that's why I love you. Don't you ever feel stupid about yourself. You know how much you mean to me. You're always caring and I'm the one feeling dependent on you. I want to see you. So, please come over. I've got everything covered including food, bring nothing but yourself. We planned this together... I hope you don't forget that. -- 4:16pm

[Me] Silly me. I do love you too. Are we over saying "I love you" to each other? I'm seriously thinking right now. -- 4:16pm

[Tim] In my opinion, I think we are saying too much but doing it too few times. I think we should get on tonight like animals by skipping dinner. What say you? Haha! -- 4:18pm

[Me] Oh, just shut up! You don't have to be so graphic about it. -- 4:19pm

[Tim] Hahaha! I know you're smiling right now because I caught you peeping while I was showering just the other day. You're equally as horny as I am. Don't deny it, you were enjoying my performance of a lifetime. -- 4:22pm

I was indeed smiling. Yes, I did peep and god forbid, he shouldn't be so hot! And he should lock that blasted door.

[Me] Goodbye. I'm not going to discuss this while working. Why? BECAUSE I CAN NEVER CONCENTRATE ANYMORE! -- 4:27pm

[Tim] Hahaha... You want a sneak peak? I can send it over right now. Joking! I'll see you tonight. And yes, please be a kind soul get us more fabric softener. You know how you are when you shoot. -- 4:28pm

[Me] Shut the fuck up! You're equally as bad as me. I think I'm getting us a bigger bottle of that softener. -- 4:30pm

***After dinner (at his place of course)***

Dinner was simple. The rain has stopped. We didn't get ourselves wet but we were really hot for each other. When I arrived with an extra box of Durex. He burst out laughing and saying in disbelief,

"I got us another box too." He was waving that same box of Durex too, "how long do you intend tonight is going to be? You know what? You're just one horny mother fucker!"

We both burst into laughter and we hugged.

"Oh what the hell... Let's not waste anymore time." I replied by grabbing him by the neck and started kissing my boyfriend earnestly with style. 

God, I really love him.

March 24, 2017

5 Years

Brock's Side

There are mornings, I would run in the park for an hour for a good cardio. The greens are lovely during mid Spring and towards the browning at the end of Autumn. 

My doctor has been advising me to exercise because he said during workout, my brain produces masses of endorphin so that it keeps me sane and healthy. Instead of me falling into constant negative thoughts in wasting my time pitying myself all day long. 

Also, friends are hard to come by when you are fairly new to a foreign environment. I've been away long enough to think of all the love ones I left behind. Many acquaintances I had during office hour is a fair amount of socializing and I still need my ME time because it is crucial.

I was sent here to oversee a 5 year project. Time is short and I needed my sanity to move to the next ladder before I head back to my home country. I do Skype with my love ones once in awhile to do my routine catch up. 

My love for reading isn't pronounced but I love doing it while listening to a full album of "The Complete Symphonic Recording of Les Misérables". My favorite song titled "Who Am I" is what I always performed in the shower. Of course, renting a room in a townhouse with 2 other guys, headphone is my ultimate getaway while mimicking Jean Valjean during those big numbers in the album.

I do have my favorite breakfast place after my run. I would cool off with a hot mug of black coffee, a soft boiled egg and an aromatic toast with a slight hint of butter. My fanny bag does not only contain my water but also a half read eBook at 436 pages off 739 pages of Epic Fantasy which is only from the best author, Brandon Sanderson.

My usual morning routine:
- Black Coffee
- Soft Boiled Eggs
- Toast (with butter)
- Morning greeting to the regulars at the breakfast place.

Keaton's side

This is where I grew up. My school is around the corner and I think I know the ins and outs of this town a fair bit well. It's always nice and breezy but I wanted to get away to see what the world outside has to offer. 

Yes, I do have a job that brings me around. It's not that I'm not appreciative that I'm able to see the world outside. But there was no culture experiences because the job occupies it. So, half the time I'm worn out and didn't have the time to explore these famous places that I'm visiting.

Mama told me that I need to move out just because she said so. Papa wouldn't be proud if he knows I'm still living with Mama. Papa left us 3 years ago and I still missed his stories about how Grandpa was being ill-treated during World War 2. He has his favourite moments by smoking his little cigar and drink a glass of whiskey while telling me these stories.

Big brother, Andrew never likes how Papa tells his stories because he always think Papa sees the world negatively or he was very badly influenced by Grandpa's view in mankind. So, Andrew moved out at the age of 18 and we've only seen him during Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Papa's wake, with his wife and 2 beautiful kids.

I grew up with some of my best homies from school. They just moved into this new townhouse place 3 years ago with 1 other guy. They told me there is this new guy who just came by and I haven't met him since. Jake & Ricardo were my barbecue buddies once a month just to chill and trash talk at their place. It's an excuse for me to Mama that I am away. She still doesn't buy that excuse. I love her to bits

Oh yes, my homies knew that I am having a major crush with this morning guy. Yes, I'm a proud gay man and I am fairly vocal about my sexuality when it comes to people I know. Every morning, whilst listening to "The Complete Symphonic Recording of Les Misérables" mimicking Javier while his number "Stars" came on, this guy would just greet his Good Mornings with everyone. Without fail, he always greeted with a genuine smile even without knowing us personally. Seriously, I am desperately interested to know who this person is.

In the end

5 years has passed. It was the day before Brock is leaving for his home country after his project has been accomplished. They were cuddling each other singing their favorite song "One Day More" from the album that they both love. 

Making promises that both will be happy for each other no matter what happens. 12 hours apart is never ideal for a relationship but what they had they counted their blessings.

Their occasional contact via emails and various social medias kept their friendship close. But as time goes by, they grew apart, and they have never find what they once had within that 5 lovely years.

A memory to be treasured for a very very long time.

March 18, 2017

Don't be naughty

It's always a lazy Saturday and it's the break of dawn before sunrise. The room has minimal light and everything is a silhouette while you are mildly awake. Everything in your body just feels right, the temperature and that smooth silky contentment feeling you have under your comforter. Also, an honorable mention, his body nude next to mine.

You know that dewy smell which makes you want to stay in bed forever? I always love that. People tend to tell me that the smell comes from oil which produces from human body or our face oil. It may be disgusting but oh boy, this is what home smells like.

Dinner was great last night and we both prepared as a team. A couple, stupid, a couple! 2 bottles of Chardonnay was a little bit too much. So, after washing up he stood next to me by asking permission to stay over. I didn't want him to because I know we will indulge with a lot of 'exploration' when we are in bed together. Even so, I agreed because I didn't want him driving back after 2 bottles of wine. Contradictory, I'm finding myself excuses to ask him to stay too. Now,if you want him to stay, just say so, don't be a pussy. Wait, I don't have one. Shut up!

Attempt 01

We were both butt naked but we're not cuddling. Let's be honest, we work out every other day and our body is like a volcanic heat when we are hugging or cuddling for too long, so we needed that air cooling space.

His snoring is light. So, my hand got a little naughty and starts to grace his hairy thigh upwards. Still snoring. OMG, this is crazy, what are you thinking! But still, it's exciting. I got bolder and move my hand up a little higher and to realize that it was arriving at his pelvic bone muscle area, you know that V line reaching nearing the crotch area. Damn he's really hot! So I put my hand on his stomach, abs, stupid, it's his fine abs, to feel him breathing and he was slightly disturbed and mumbles,

"Hey, that's forbidden."

I retracted my hand and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Where did it go?" His soft rough voice asking for my hand.

"It's back with me." I replied.

"Suit yourself." He continues snoring. I got so guiltily busted.

Attempt 02

Nipple time. I know he has very sensitive pair of nipples. No doubt he has great chest muscles, it isn't too big but it's just well built for me to play with. So, he was lying on my left side, and I pan over to his right nipple and start licking it. He moans. Oh stop it! I know I'm good. That sweet sound of moaning just drives me really nuts.

His right hand was being locked down by me but he moves it away just to put it above his head as I continue playing with his nipple. As I started to be a little naughtier by sucking on it. He was immediately awake, still daze looking.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked as I moved away.

"I'm sorry. You go something right there." Pointing aimlessly because I got nothing but excuses and was fake grabbing something and said "Yup, got it!" continue to fake a fist and motion to throw it away. "Shh... go on sleeping." That was close. Do you think he buys that? Whatever...

"Mmm... thanks. What time is it?" He was looking for the clock.

"It's 4:38 in the morning. Just go back to sleep." I told him.

"Okay" As he yawns back to dreamland. I rested and slept for awhile. One more try... Just one more try.

Attempt 03

Alright, it's 5:58 and I got to tell you. He looks so sexy when his penis is flaccid. Lying on his back with the hands above his head, he just drives me crazy. Without hesitation, I dive into our comforter and started to play with it. I hope he doesn't mind.

I move his thing to the left with my finger, and shifted it back to the right again. I giggled. That's his most private and I'm playing with it. What are the odds. Damn, get a hold of yourself! You both belong together already! The sound of his snore still determines that he's sleeping still. So I just put his thing right into my mouth for the fun of it. Suddenly, he stops snoring, lifted the comforter up, looking down at me.

My eyes shot up, looking stunned with his thing in my mouth. Oh dear god...

"Nerd, this is the third time tonight. Seriously, what is going on?"

I bit him naughtily on that head. He cries out, "Ouch, hey that's..." And I put it all the way in again and gave him the biggest suck, "ahhh... that's nicer." as he lay back.

*Attempt ends*

So, I did not finish what I'm suppose to do and pull his cock out immediately and went back to my bedside. And he was staring at me with tons of questions.

"Hey, why did you stop? You were doing fantastic! Don't leave me hanging like this..." He asked.

"You've caught me already. The adrenaline and excitement is gone. I like it more when you're not realizing it." I explained. Why did I tell him...

"Are you serious? Awww come on man... Finish it for me please. You got me excited and now you're done? Don't do this to me." Though he was whispering but his excuses literally strokes my ego.

"Don't be naughty." Playfully I replied.

"Wait... What... Who's the naughty one? You've been enjoying yourself the whole night and I don't get a single fun? Not fair!" He retorted.

I can't stop smiling even as I go back to my side of the bed. Enjoy, I like it when he uses that word. What an arrogant asshole. Please stop! You're the one who started it.

"Hey," he said "for what is worth, I think we should just finish it before we head back to work. It's going to be a long day."

"Who are you trying to bluff? It's a Saturday for crying out loud. No one is working."

"Reason enough for us to be doing it all the more, like right now until our nuts sore. See, I'm rhyming which means it's sexy time" His eyes were so big with excitement as he edge over me.

"You're crazy!" I was contemplating.

As I sigh, "Anyway... what the hell. Let's do this"

He laughed and rolled me over to his side. Round one.

We were in our third round, and he whispered into my ears from behind "I can assure you that you're the naughty one and I adore it." Kissing me on my right cheek.

I smiled. Naughty!

March 13, 2017

Read to me 03 -- The Kiss

It was our 5th date. I was the one who called him out after the fourth date. I've made arrangement to all the activities I've planned all of the activities for that lovely Saturday and he sounded so excited over the phone because he wasn't sure I was up for anything at all.


The routine before I meet up with him:
1) Shower + Teeth Brushing
2) Breakfast (Apple)
3) Mouth wash <-- Always mouth wash
4) Attire: A round neck T and a pair of jeans. Sport Shoes.

We agreed to meet at our local grocery stall because he wanted to get something before we head on to lunch. When I arrived, he was there picking out 2 loaves of baguette.

"Hey Scott, good morning!" I greeted and hugged him.

"Hey Mornin'! Could you help me to decide. Do you think a jar of chunky or a smooth peanut butter is better? Best of all, it's homemade." He winked at me and I smiled.

"I thought you never like noises while you're eating?" I asked.

"Yeah but I thought you might like it." He explains.

"Me? You're buying for me? But..." I was confused.

"HA! I was teasing, I ran out of PB, I'm just being fickle for the sake of choosing which jar is prettier." He teased.



Lunch was really good. We had sandwiches, juice and I ordered extra fries because I was having a really good appetite. He was amused and shared it with me. I remember vividly that he was on a low carbohydrate diet and I reminded him and he retorted.

"Don't go all I'm-on-a-strict-low-carb-diet on me, I've worked really hard to look like this you know".

"I didn't. You told me to remind you." I reminded him.

"I know! And I'm having fun with you right now, could you at least just be a darling and screw diet just for today? For me?"

I laughed and poked his stomach to make my statement. He flinched and grab my hand and started to hold it. I wanted to pull away and he force it and say,

"You know. We have not hold each other's hands yet."

I was really conscious by our surroundings and was looking around saying,

"Erm... There are many people here. I'm not ready to be so public about our relationship."

He let it go with disappointment and replied,

"I'm sorry, I've lost control when I got a chance to be near you." He was looking away.

"I should be the one apologizing, I shouldn't care how people sees us" I was feeling really bad.

"You know what, let's head on to our next plan." He brushes the awkwardness off.


I was at his place and we both had the most romantic dinner in town. We both had rib eye steak and a bottle of red rosé. The waiter -- our waiter for the night, named Lucas, was really friendly, and it kinda got on my nerve at some point. He keeps on touching his shoulder while he was serving us. 

"Hi, I'm Lucas, I'm your waiter for tonight. Would you like to try our specials?" Lucas towards Scott.

"Would your like to try their specials?" Scott towards me.

"What are your specials?" Me towards Lucas. 

Lucas the waiter was still staring towards Scott. 

"Hi!" He's still staring.
"Hello..." He just can't keep his eyes away from him.
"Yoo hoo!!!" Trying to get Lucas's attention towards me, 
"may I know what are your specials? Please?" I repeated.

"I'm looking right at it. Yum... Mamma mia..." Lucas the waiter.

"Excuse me?" We both replied at the same time.

"Oh... wait... You guys are together? Lucas asked.

"Yes. He's my husband. As a matter of fact, we are celebrating our first year anniversary." Scott said it so smoothly while looking back at me as he was holding my hands.

"Could you kindly spell out the specials for tonight maybe?" He continued. 

My heart was beating so fast. I could not handle such magnitude of information. What do you call this? He was so charming, and I was blushing. My face literally became so warm and hot flushes are like pounding all over my earlobes. I can hear pulse banging through the wall of my eardrum. The place was so dark and quiet and I do hope he doesn't know what's going on inside me.

Back at his place, it was nice but messy as expected. The smells of his cologne he was using for the day. --Drakkar Noir-- was still lingering around the place. Sexy!

Lying on his sofa while he was taking a drink for me, I was reminiscing how I was the planner but he was the hero of the day. He reminded me so much of Clark Kent changing into Superman rescuing me from that evil Latino waiter who... wait, I needed to head home. It's already 2:05 am in the morning and I need to be present for early service tomorrow morning.

"Hey Scott, I need to go. I have stuff to do tomorrow morning." I said as I was standing by his TV set.

His head popping out of the kitchen bar, and said,

"No, you're not. You are staying here with me tonight."

"Aww come on. Don't be a spoil sport, please let me go home."

"You forgot? You owe me tonight. You owe me big time. BIG TIME."

"What did I do? I didn't ruin your night. We had a great time, remember?" I reminded him.

"Lucas..." He was holding 2 glasses of white wine heading towards my direction

"Oh..." As I said it, he puts those 2 glasses down.

"Yeah... Oh" He was standing right in front of me, facing me.

"So... what now... how do you wan..." I was stuttering and I can smell his cologne closer to me. It's the mess! Think!

"It's our 5th date and I would like to make a request."

"Yes... and that is?" Swallowing my saliva so hard.

"May I kiss you?" He asked directly.

"Erm... Wha... Now?" I was trying to look away but he was so near as he was holding both my arms.

I froze.

"Yes. Just one kiss. I think you are equally as curious as I am to know how it goes? Don't you?"

Before I could say another word, his lips was already on me as he touches it. And OH MY GOD, his lips are so soft as he brushes them against mine. His hands was all over my jaw down to my neck.

Both of us are moving so much as he motion his lips by encouraging me to open my lips as he opens his which made it more interesting. I pulled away with so much thought. He was equally as daze as me.

"Erm... that was... that was something" I can't form words.
He was so hungry, he grabs my face and pulls directly to the opening of his mouth and we both started a kiss hungrily. 

"Yess..." I whispered.

As he puts his tongue right into mine and toying it around my mouth. He was moaning as he rubs my chest and it was so hot, our breathing was so heavy and we take turns to explore each other.

We were both laying on his couch kissing for a good 17 minutes before we broke it off. Our lips swell so bad and our bottom face were so wet. Together we laugh at each other because both of our pants are weirdly shaped as we were both equally "excited" there.

"This is even better than Peanut Butter..." He said.

I knew it. He was teasing me all this while and now it was my turn. I pulled him towards me as we started kissing until we both think is enough. Is kissing him ever enough? I never think so.

March 07, 2017

Read to me 02 -- Same Story

I got home late from my parent's place. It was past 10 at night and he was no where to be found at my place. Quickly, I check my phone and I've realized I did not see his last message and it goes:

Scott: [Hey nerd, I'm over at Dwayne's. Do join us when you're back. Hope you're here with me.] -- 15:23pm

Dwayne was his first love. He told me that because he didn't want to hide it from me. I know Dwayne has this hot Broadway actor for a boyfriend but I still see the sparkle in his eyes towards my Scott. I might be over thinking. So, I reply and trying very hard not to sound jealous.

Me: [Hey, I just got home. Didn't read ur message until just now. I don't think I'll be going over, I'm really exhausted. Say "Hi" to them for me please and remember to have fun!] -- 22:07pm

Scott: [Wait what... Why not? Come on over here, babe. Jess, Dan and the rest are asking for you too! They want to know your side of the story about the 2 of us. They do not believe my version of the story on how we got together.] -- 22:12pm

Me: [Haha... I have an early meeting tomorrow morning. Spare me and arrange another time with them, pweeese. Please do not over drink for my sake. I do not want to smell like Uncle Jack or Uncle Johnny all over my neck and ear when you snogged me up as we sleep.] -- 22:20pm

Scott: {Typing...} -- 22:23pm

Scott: {Typing...} -- 22:38pm

Scott: {Typing...} -- 23:07pm

What in heavens name is he trying to tell? Just press enter already!

Scott: [Hey, Dwayne's here. Scotty just passed out and I think its best you come over. Chuck and I will be waiting for you. He is on the floor sleeping. Well, its a good sign he did not throw up. Even so, he keeps on asking for you and mumbling your name many times.] -- 23:28pm

Should I go over? Should I not? I'm facing my own dilemma here. I neither wanted to show how needy I am nor I wanted to show how much I'm a douche for not bothering. I know how he calls for my name on some nights when he's dreaming.

Me: [Oh okay. I didn't know that. I'm on my way over.] -- 23:40pm

I arrived and rang the bell. Dwayne opens the door and welcomes me in. The initial jealousy I had for Dwayne became an embarrassment now. I didn't want to come over in the first place because of all the stuff I'm thinking of what they had done in that house. My raging jealous hormones again! Stop being such a drama queen and since when I'm that kind of boyfriend?

"I'm so sorry" I said apologetically.
"No, please. It's fine. Don't worry about it." He replied.
"Hmmm... Shall we just wake him up instead?" I asked.
"Can I ask?" Curiously he asked as he ignored my question.
"Yup, sure." I quickly replied.
"Did you guys really meet in the café by sitting opposite each other over a small coffee table for the past 5 months?" I guess he really wanted to know.
"So, you are equally as curious as the rest too huh?" I smiled.
"Well, you weren't here to witness how he was jumping around just now when he says how he first met you in the café." He explained with a laugh. Chuck was nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, did he tell you how loud he farted on that very first time we meet too? And did he tell you we both crack up in the café when it started to smell as people's face get twisted?" I shared.

We all burst into hysterical laughter!

"He did not even fart right in front of me even we went out for 2 years." Dwayne said it point blank when Chuck went into the bathroom.
"Hmm..." I can't think of what else to say because it seems that my Scotty really likes me more than Dwayne.
"Come on. We will both help you by bringing him back to your place. Are you up for it?" Dwayne suggested.
I nodded with a smile with a sigh of relieved.

We were back. Right before Dwayne stepped out as Chuck was waiting for him in the car, he told me something that I'll never forget til this day.

"Never ever break his heart. I know I have hurt him before. Really bad. He didn't even want to look at me for nearly 2 years. But still, he was the one who made the first move to ask whether are we able to remain as friends. I have agreed with so much guilt in me. I know how I looked at him beamingly because that's who the real Scott is when he is in love. I know. And now that I've seen you, and I can see why he's so happy with you. You two are meant to be together."

Before he walks out, I tapped his shoulder and ask sincerely, "Can we be friends?"
He smiled and hugged me as though a heavy weight has just lifted his shoulder and said. "Oh yes! Yes, please! He talks so much about you and I really want to know you better as you." As we part, I saw tears shedding from his face as he waves goodbye towards me.

As I closed the door and turn, there he was, my Scotty, standing there beside the edge of the sofa staring at me and confess his first "I Love You" to me.

March 05, 2017

He falls sick

Photo Credit: Waynn Images

He texted me how he's not feeling well and he was asking me for a favor to accompany him right after work. So, I've agreed. Immediately right after work, I called him again and he sounded really bad over the phone. As if he's croaking.

I became worried, whilst I was on my way, I packed up some vegetable soup and bought tons of fluids so that he is well hydrated. I've asked for his prescription just in case he's running out of medication. When I arrived at his place, his door was ajar!

My heart sank and it started to beat quicker than I expected. The thought of him being mugged while he's not well could be atrocious. So I rushed in and saw him lying on the floor facing down with a few of those grocery paper bags scattered next to him near the kitchen island. I kneel towards him and ask,

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Ye.. yes..  I am. I'm actually feeling so weak I can barely move." He replied.

"You went out? For groceries? You should have told me when I called you! What were you thinking?" I retorted.

"I thought I was feeling better already... And it's only a few blocks down. I didn't expect my temperature to come back. Now, all I'm feeling is fatigue." He explained.

"You need to be at the hospital." I suggested.

"No! I just needed some rest." Quickly he replied, and he's back down again.

"You are stubborn as always! We need to do this one step at a time. Let's get up and walk to your bedroom. Are you able to help me move just a little bit?" I asked. 

He nodded and leaned on me as we were heading to his bedroom.

I changed him into his pyjamas and it seems like he's enjoying the attention while I was doing so. I caught that look on his face when I was helping him with his pants. That smirk on his face, he's such an asshole. And after all the trouble I've done for him, he's thinking of the naughty stuff. He's despicable!

I've placed a cold wet towel on his forehead just to cool away his temperature off his head, and with that same smile he said,

"Hey you, thank you for coming."

"You've asked for a favor, remember?" I reminded him.

"Yes... Yes. I remember but you've decided to come to my rescue and this really proof how much you cared for me." 

He was assuring me with his words, and my stomach is feeling all butterfly flapping wildly with agony but I ignored it. So, I immediately change the mood by replying, 

"Hey, I've agreed by coming over to your place through the phone. Don't say stuff like that. Anyway, I'm getting your soup and medicine. So, stay put!"

"Yes, Your Excellency." Sarcastically he replied and he started chuckling again, then again his cough took over with what it sounds like a major asthmatic attack.

Eventually, I've cleaned up everything including a good wash-up for myself before I adjourn to his guestroom to sleep. I went into his room one last time to have a peek that he's all better before I go to sleep. He's still awake, so I asked him if he has anymore requests,

"Do you still need anything? Are you feeling much better now?" 

"Mmm... Yeah, I'm feeling a whole lot better now. What was I thinking, the bed is definitely more comfortable than the floor moments ago," his facial expression suddenly turned cynical and continue, 

"Oh yes... I need one last thing..."

Before he could even ask, I've interrupted and said to him, 

"Nope. I'm not doing anything apart from taking care of you based on medical ground."

"Awww... come on! Today is Naked Thursday, we were suppose to cuddle each other in the nude." He reminded me.

"Are you insane? You're battling a fever right now. Out of the question!" I reprimanded.

"I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about you, you sexy sexy thang..." He was smiling dreamily towards me and continue talking, "So, come on, what say you? Let me enjoy a little of your strip show now. I'm sick and vulnerable right now. I want to treat myself with some eye candy moments from you." He said sympathetically with pouching lips.

In the end, I didn't do it. He was all high with medication and he didn't sound like himself. I sat next to him until he falls asleep. I was holding his hands until he puts my hand right at his manhood inappropriately. I've tried pulling away, he forces it back and snorted with a rough, 


I whispered into his ear, "You asshole."

And the morning came sooner than I've expected... He was awake, so I asked him,

"Are you feeling better right now?"

He was stretching and struggling at the same time. I helped him up. On a side note, I just can't stand the fact he still smells awfully darn good for a sick person. God forbid!

"Yeahh... But..." He staggered.

"Hey, the moment you're feeling better. We will have more than a naked Thursday. Alright?" I suggested.

"Wha... What? I didn't want to go there." He was rubbing his eyes and with a change in his facial expression and say, "But lets discuss that right now. You mean we can do more than one day a week? As in daily?" His eyes beaming. 

"Don't push it!" I eyed him but I couldn't stop my from smiling with a wink.

Hence, I gave him MY morning kiss and his "BREAKFAST" was served.