July 24, 2017


It was a bright sunny afternoon. The weather was perfect for a beach outing. He suggested that we go out to the beach, and get some tan on our skin to have a little glow which he likes it very much.

The beach is where we first discover our existence in that town area and our identity as a true gay man. We were oddly strangers at the wrong place and in the wrong time. He hated my beach wear and I hated his nature of showing off his so-called "great" body among the public.

I didn't hesitate and I always do enjoy beach outing with him. And as I was packing for both of us, he called out for me from the kitchen and asked,

"Honey, do you think we should pack some sandwiches for some light snack? Just in case we might get hungry? After soaking ourselves a few rounds."

"That's a great idea, and maybe you could bring along some of the juice that I've prepared last night too. They are in the refrigerator." I replied.

"Alright, honey! Ooo... Watermelon juice! I never thought we are in season for one of those." He was thrilled because it’s one his favorites.

The reason I knew vividly that it was his favorite is because he was downing it 3 to 4 glasses of those at the beach bar during our first date. It was more of a by-the-way we're on our first date kind of thing. And I agreed to his weird suggestion of a first date, stupidly enough, so that I could make him like me instead of me being a drama queen. Not on our "first date", hell no.

I didn't know he was equally as nervous as I was back then. And he orders that watermelon juice like it was on the house. I asked him why, he said he thought he could trick me that it was "Bloody Mary". I burst into a hysterical laughter telling him that the smell of of watermelon is THAT uncanny. He frowned.

Admittedly, he began telling me how much his love for watermelon. And I couldn't help myself from laughing again. And that's where he first punches me in the arm. He finally said the date was a test run. He was adorable because he did officiate our first date having steak.

So, as I was packing. And I'd rather changed into my swim wear before we headed there. Just as I was changing, he came in,

"My my... would you just look at that?" He was leaning on a wall, staring towards me and uttered those inappropriate words. He always trying to sound someone he's not just to amuse me.

"Cut it out, is not as if you've never seen me like this before." I replied as I was finishing up.

"Nah uh, not from my angle. Haha! Honey, why are you in a hurry to change?" He asked with a hint of curiosity.

"I want to be there and all ready to relax. At least, the changing thing is already out of my mind." I explained.

He came over and hugged me and said, "You are still too tensed. Learn to relax a little bit more. It is such a beautiful day!" I smiled and hugged him in return.

Our first hug was when I spilled curry on my shirt, and he gave me the lamest excuse by hugging me, so that I would not feel embarrassed by the spilled I had on my shirt.

On that same day, (at his place -- he offered) I had to take my shirt off just to put it into his washer so that we could spend more time together. He said, my pants got some of thr curry too, might as well put it in.

I was on commando and I asked for a towel so that I could be decent. He was kind enough to provide me one. Just as I stripped, he walks in and stares for the longest time. He smiled and I was not ready, so I said condescendingly, "Do you mind?"

"Not at all, I mean, I'm sorry the door's lock is not working. I came in to tell you that." He hurriedly walks out and I could hear him giggled. That bastard.

At the beach, we were having the time of our lives. They weren't many people because this spot that we found 5 years ago was our favorite because of the convenience of shades when we needed one. We both took turns to soak into the seawater when we needed some cooling off from the sun.

We were both reading the same book in accordance with what the book club has chosen for us. We joined them about 3 months ago and they were a fun bunch. Their book selections are more to our likings and we agreed upon a monthly discussion on what we've read. Moreover, food and booze were included while the discussion was going on. What’s not to like?

Our love for books was a funny story. We were trying to hide from each other that we both are into books. Well we are geeks in our own special ways, of course. We hid from each other until we asked for a time out from each other just to finish our book for the week or month.

The request for time out was so frequent that there was a point we thought we were having an affair with someone else. Until our books surfaced and we both connected to each other even more so than ever. This untrusting behavior wasted us a few good 4 to 5 months on our love for books in all sorts’ genres. And because of this, we were definitely advancing our relationship to a more trustworthy level.

"So, shall we?" He asked cynically.

"But we're only here for 2 hours. That's not even outing to begin with." I protested.

"No! We're not leaving. Shall we do the naughty naughty here?" He winks at me two times more when he asked for such an inappropriate act or behavior in the public.

"Here? No!" I objected the idea.

"Awww... come on. It is just a simple mouth to banana action. Or maybe more, we wouldn't know. I promised. A quick one. Besides, there weren't anyone passes our way for the past 2 hours. Please please please please... pweeese" He persuaded.

"It is the beach, isn't it? Has the smell of salt made you all weld up with your dry hormones? There is nothing but sex in your head. You're a buffoon you know that?" I analyzed him.

He was nudging me on my shoulder as we were lying next to each other.

"So, are we doing it?" he asked eagerly. "Come on, you want it as much as I do. Don't deny it, you little hypocrite!"

I giggled. I couldn't stand his look when he's begging for it. So, we quickly rushed into a secret hideout (the bush behind us) and had our way with each other for good time for ourselves. A real funtastic good time.

Our first inappropriate started out at my place just a few months ago. By our true nature, we are really not actually ready for sex. So, we found the stupidest excuse ever by getting ourselves tipsy after two bottles of wine.

We were on a couch and started kissing each other. Wait, we started out with touching and then the night was turned into Animal Kingdom on paid TV. We took turns until our nuts went sore and we just lay there and said, "It was the best night ever."

We giggled and laughed and turned on some TV shows, and started mouth action in each other until we agreed to stop before we busted our nuts just for sex. It was like that ever since 7 months ago.

We arrived home after we were happy with our tan. On our bed, he looked at me and said,

"We were amazing at the beach, isn't it?"

"Don't state the obvious. You and I very well know we were always doing it like animals back when we wanted to be naughty." I was trying very hard not to rekindle what we had just now because I might get excited easily again and he will always know.

He hugged me and giggled. "You and I have been enjoying it and you aren't admitting it now! We're going to do it again tonight and you're gonna admit to me that you are loving it! When it was your turn, I agreed intermittently to your face! So, I want to hear from you admitting to what we have is AMAZING!"

"God, no! We're both very sore already! I'm really tired... can you just please, let me go this time?" I was actually laughing while I was saying it.

He threw off our blanket and strips me off and got his way with me like it was the first time. He wanted to turn off the light; I yelled "No!" He eyed me with even a naughtier look and he strips within seconds and jumps onto the bed and had our way with each other!

My admittance wasn't the issue any longer, because we enjoy each other's expression as the session goes. He knew as far as I know how we feel for each other.

Truly, our "naughty" will always be the most amazing time together.

July 21, 2017


I am often labeled as the anti-social. The one who doesn't initiate any conversations regardless of gender. I was told to be visible but I never knew how. And the idea of someone staring at me, its zero to none. Maybe because I never look up and I will never know who's looking.

It has been 18 years since I've been living in a closet. No one knows about this hideous identity of mine. I always enjoy witnessing a well groomed, good looking man from afar. But today, I do not like how judgmental the idealism of beauty and perfection has been set upon. It is so messed up within the LGBT community and of course, the porn industry.

And that quote "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" has weight a heavier negative connotation today instead of what true beauty should lies within a person is concern.

It was my regular lunch hour on a normal work day. My usual routine of getting my food before sitting in a far corner of a canteen or a food arcade. Doing my own things, minding my own business and sometimes soak in the rushing sound of gossips and complains from the tongues of both the blue and white collars.

The sudden smell of Brut came by and I stole a glance. The guy I've been admiring since day one and aspire to be due to his grooming habits. Everyone calls him "Mr Computer" because he's the friendliest among all computer guys within the organisation.

"Hey!" He was talking towards my direction with the brightest smile.

My sudden gush, awkwardness, heart palpitations, identity crisis, my struggle between whether to answer him was all too much for me to take in. So, I've decided to nod towards his direction and smile. Phew, what a relieved. I've managed to pull that off.

"You are always alone, aren't you?" His questions starts.

Again, the adrenaline rush is not forgiving to my speech ability. I can't even speak. So, I nodded again. Wait, he knows my existence of being alone? Is my social awkwardness became a faux pas? Am I being labeled again?

"Ha! You're odd. You don't talk? The name's Elliot. What's yours? I hope I can get you to speak by now." He was all charming about it. Friendly too, even though I'm weird.

Just say your name, just say your name. God, why is it so difficult?

"Russ... ?" I was really trying my best to continue my next sentence.

"I'm sorry, come again? Is Russ is your name?" He was chewing his salad as he double confirms it with me.

"Russell. My name's Russel." There. I've said it. I've finally said it. This is worst than seating for an exam!

"Now, that wasn't so hard, Russel" Still chewing while he was finishing his salad. 

"Well, I have to say, it is interesting spending this weird little time with you. Better than the norm I used to hang out with. Is it alright if I join you for lunch tomorrow? Same time same place?" He asked as he was motioning himself to my side of the table.

I nodded with a smile. Again. Why? Why me? I enjoy my space. I wanted to say no. But he seems interesting to me too. He's polite. He's tactful. He makes me really comfortable for being myself.

"Ha! I like you this way. Makes it all the more interesting to know you. See you tomorrow then, Russell." He taps me on the shoulder as a mere confirmation and walks away with a smile. That smile. He is so friendly.


He taps on my shoulder and ask, "Russ darling, are you ready?"

I nodded.

He leans on me and gave me a kiss on the lips and said. "That nod reminds me of how much you've made me fall in love with you."

I giggled with a reply, "You've made me so comfortable for being myself when I'm around you. You, Elliot, it's always you."

He hugged me and said, "We better hurry by getting into the departure waiting area. Can't wait to spend this new chapter of our lives together."

We were both taking our luggage with our flight documents as we proceed to our aircraft that printed "HAWAIIAN". It is our honeymoon trip that we've been looking forward to since we got together. We've talked about it for years and now, let both the "explorations" begins!

We hold each other's arms as we walked into the aircraft.

His smiles at me. 

I nodded. With a smile!

July 18, 2017

First Step

There were many times he wanted to sleep with me or sleep next to me but I refused. He always hinted, he gave me signals and worst of all, he sometimes just pulled me down without a warning to lay next to him. In such manner, I usually obliged for a good 10 minutes and when he starts to get a little intimate, I'll give an excuse to leave.

I know the frustration. I have mine too. He often asked me why. I always tell him that I do not want to ruin whatever we have right now that is still perfect to me. He is always ever so patient with me. With a smile, he always replies carefully with the right choices of words which are undeniably true.
He said it's the same like how we are getting to know each other but this time is more physically intimate. We will have to learn to know each other's ways, habits and sometimes interest too. It is still part of a relationship process like how we've grown to love each other's company.

He became so much hotter over the years as compared to when I know him. We went to the same college, and he was this thin nerdy guy who always joins me for meals and group studies. Now, he's been transformed to this so-called young chiseled lad that made every head's turn for another good look at him.

We both came out to each other nearing our final year of studies. And we agreed to be best friends. He confesses about his feelings to me 1 year ago after our friendship of 8 years after. I didn't want to rush into it because I really treasure our friendship of honesty for each other. Today, that same feeling came back again by not wanting to ruin our years of friendship, just by sleeping with each other. To me, it's going to end if we ever sleep together. Honestly, I felt so undesirable around him.

Again, permission was asked, and this time around, I agreed. We were going to try it tonight. It was a Friday night. I was really nervous and he was equally as anxious as I am. So, I put down my guard and stayed over at his place with anticipation that everything is going to be over quickly and breezy.

That weekend, alright I have to admit, was really mind blowing. My weekend. No, wait, our weekend was like those animals from the Discovery Channel.

We ordered delivery, we continued exploring. We put on some tv shows, and when there's a hint of love scene, we couldn't stop ourselves from wanting each other. We deliberately forget what's outside the world because we were in the room since Friday night. We were so sore and so tired but we wanted more of such "weekends" together.

On the bed, he lie on top of my stomach, facing the ceiling and said to me, "I'm officially yours and you're officially mine. There's no turning back."

I looked down at him and touched his rugged dimpled cheek and smiled at him and say, "You are forever my all. I think we'll be on this adventure together for a very very long time."

He giggled. Climbed on to me. Kissed me. And the rest was history with our inner mystery of true physical discovery that longed to be treasured for the rest of our lives.


July 16, 2017


He is still busy with his work and I was in the kitchen preparing dinner. He was seated right there opposite me on the bar staring seriously at his computer typing away. ("Honey, it is called a laptop, come on!") He usually argues with me because I just love teasing him. Dinner preparation was easy because he only wanted a simple sandwich and he asked me to eat with him, I protested but he insists as he was poking my bulging tummy. Fine, I obliged. He said is for my good. Fine, I obeyed.

We finished dinner, and he told me to go wash up so that he could clean up the kitchen for me. Again, I told him that if he is still busy, leave the kitchen to me. He stole a kiss from me and gave me a stern command, "Go! I insist! Now!" I cannot control myself from smiling, and his expression still remains that stern looking face. I couldn't contain myself by giving him a kiss back in return from what he has stolen from me. He hugged me and said "You stink! But I still love you." I pushed him off with a fake pretense that I was offended. He burst into a hysterical laughter and pulled me back into his naked arms as he buried his face into my hair. "Gawd, you're mine tonight."

I always enjoyed every inch of his warmth embrace and I will never forget to tell him every morning when we were trying to get out of bed. Sometimes, we get into this little sexy session after the morning struggle of getting our hands off each other. It has been 7 years, we are still very much in love despite all the little arguments we had on our little insecurities. Assurance aside, we are still very adult about our relationship. 

Bath was great, I quickly dry myself off and slip on my favorite cotton boxers and was ready to go to bed. As I open the door, he was already sound asleep on the bed. Wait... how long was I in there? He must have been burnt out with all the work he was doing just now. Paper stacks were every where on the bar but now, it was all cleared up. Kitchen was spic and span and he was already in bed snoring away. How is he my man when I don't deserve that sort of tender loving care he has for me. Gawd, I love him so.

So, I switched off the lights in the hall and indulge myself by lying down on our big sofa to catch myself some good old TV. "I Love Lucy" was on and it is my favorite because Lucille Balls never fails to crack me up most of the time. And I didn't know it was a rerun until the end of Season 6. Eventually, I fell asleep without my knowledge and he came. Quietly tip toeing his way towards my direction. (That's what he says but I never believe him.)

He took off my boxers and whispered "Shhh, it's me" and climbed on the couch in front of me with his favorite quilt to cover us together. He whispered to me, "I'm naked too." I exhaled and smiled and let him hugged me from the front. We were facing each other as we were trying to sleep. I could feel his leg intertwine with mine, and we were trying to rub each other off (as a sign of naughtiness) until we found our comfort positions. (Trust me, we were both excited by then.)

He puts my head towards his chest as I cuddled inside him. We were both silent for just a little while more and I just realized he didn't take his bath. So, I uttered "You stink too! But I love you too. Always." His body shakes as he was laughing and STILL rubbing himself up against me even harder to prove a point that he's responding to my confession.

He is my man. The man I always love. He is my all.

We'd rather sleep on the couch that very night.

July 08, 2017

I Want It Normal 02

**6 years ago**

I just moved into the city not too long after I was being evicted by the company I'm still working for. Duration was only for a month in their provided hostel stay for me to look around for a new place. It's their company's policy, so they've said.

Days before my eviction, I stumbled upon this place where it has all these big houses around that part of the residential area, in which I found a place with 4 rooms with bathroom, each! 3 guys were living in there and they'd welcome me in with no hesitation.

They were all very hospitable towards my arrival. And they were all actually there to wait for my arrival and host me into the room with much warmth and passion. As I stepped into the house, they came by to help with my luggage and accessories. I was so humbled by their actions.

They introduced themselves to me in this order:
                1. Glenn (the White, a Ballet dancer)
                2. Isaiah (the Black, a Physician)
                3. Angelo (the Hispanic, a Cook)

I was unpacking my stuff, and they told me they are willing to help. Of course, I kindly rejected their offer but they insist of doing so. They agreed in unison that the unpacking serves more of an ice breaker than an awkward silence by just staring at me. I laughed.

I told them where I'm from with my ethnicity background. They couldn't stomach both the country and heritage that I was in. All I could do is to be amused by their confusion and hope they'll get it someday. They seem like a fun bunch to be with, and I think they are good friends.

They love their barbecue session. They held it at least once a month on a lovely Saturday evening with loads of meat and boost. They will talk just about anything til the next morning. They sing, they dance, and they just know how to have fun.

My daily routines are my morning runs before I head on to work. The idea of a fresh mind and serves me better in a pressure cooker environment, such as Wall Street. I will get to the financial district by bus on time daily.

So, it has been 2 weeks, waiting at that same spot before the bus arrived. And it has always been the 2 of us waiting at this area, same time same place. He never fails to greet me with a smile and I always nod with a simple morning acknowledgment.

I will continue reading and he will continue staring aimlessly into the air space until the bus arrived.
The weekend came, and on that Saturday morning, I was ready to go for my grocery shopping. I heard chats and laughter in the kitchen in regards with the barbecue they planned for tonight (I was cordially invited) as I headed down the staircase.

As I stepped into the kitchen, I'm seeing 4 people instead of 3.

4 heads turned towards my direction.

The new guy head tilted front like a turtle.

I gulped with familiarity with my eyes widen.

"Errr..." I startled. He seems familiar. My forehead squint and was still searching for this face in my head…

"No way, you're the guy from the bus station!" He exclaimed.

I gave away my “Aha!” expression.

The other 3 heads in the kitchen were back and forth with me and him.

I'm taken aback as he remembers.

He seems awfully excited to see me.

And we both stared while the rest were all looking our way waiting for someone to say the next best thing.