May 11, 2017

Read to me 04 - Cafe Date 01

Remember when I have to sit opposite him in the cafe and read my book? 

It was my couch.
It was my me time. 

Yes, I'll remember him alright. That smirk on his face thinking he is like the best looking guy in this cafe. Actually, he is. Just by giving me that smile, he thinks I could give in by sitting right opposite him. Why am I so edgy today. Chill it, will you?!

So, I put my book down on that tiny little table and my backpack just to secure my couch, then I went straight to queue right in front of the bar counter to get my double latté. You know that wonderful feeling when you smell that java aroma that would just kill all of my senses which made my caffeinated radar haywire. I love how coffee excites me more than anything.

My turn is up and,

"Hi! Good afternoon, what would you like?" that sweet cashier with a smile named, Tabitha asked.

"One double latte, please." I uttered.
"One double latte, please." He uttered.

In unison.

What the actual fuck?!

I turned behind to look and he tilted his head and smiled. Why him again? He was sitting just now and why is he doing this? I was all confused and the cashier asked again,

"So, two double lattes for both of you?" Tabitha asked curiously.

"Wait... what? Both of us? I was..." I was explaining.

"Yes. Two double lattes for the both of us." He just interrupted me. I was stunned and I stared.

"Alright, would you like to have it here or a take way?" Tabitha asked with an eyebrow raised. I saw that!

"Both are having it here." He smoothly swoop in right next to me and said that. My head was all fuzzing and still staring until,

"Well excuse me, why are you in my line?" I have to ask.

"I was thinking, since we're sitting at the same place, why don't we just order together." He explained.

You could've asked, moron! 

Flashback, my mom used to say, "Making friends is always better than enemies." My mom thought me how to be weak by giving in. In the end, I hate myself for doing so.

"[With my chin pushing my lips up that smile] I guess... that made sense. I'm okay. [with a sigh]" I replied while looking at Tabitha whom she's still smiling at both of us. 

Now, that makes me want to smack her right in the face. Calm down will you?! Are you crazy?

"I knew it. I knew you're gonna be okay!" He seems glad with a big smile of relieved.

"Any cakes, sandwiches or pastries?" Tabitha asked again.

I looked at him again and he stared and shakes his head gesturing no. 

"Erm... no." I replied.

"Okay, and that would be seven dollars for 2 double lattés." Tabitha formulated the cashier machine for us with that same smile. Seriously! A real slap.

I was handing my five dollar bill to Tabitha and he shot up with a ten dollar bill and whispered to me "Pay me later."

I nodded.

We both got our coffee and head back to our seats. I was eager to pay him back but he motion his hand towards me with another "later" sign because he needs to settle down with all his gadgets and coffee and god knows what. I don't care anyway. So, I put my money back into my pocket and get myself ready into my own reading world.

I am so eager to dive into my book with my coffee and also to ignore that he is still seated right opposite me. I took my book off the table and started reading Chapter 37 where I left my bookmark in. 

The world was built with great political plot with a very well thought out magic system (which made sense). I was reading for about 2 minutes until...

"I'm sorry. May I know what book are you reading?" He asked.

"It's written on the cover." I replied without putting my book down.

"Yeah, I can see that -- Brandon Sanderson - The Way of Kings --  the art seems very old school. And your book is way too huge!" 

I took a peek and caught him deciphering my book cover. Alright, I have to admit. He's hot. He's very well groomed but not with the best looking feature but he's still hot. He's cute, those long lasting look with a side dimple and butt chin. Fucking hot! That stubble he's keeping. God damn it!

"Yep, its an Epic Fantasy book." I put my book down was acting I wasn't interested but clearly he wants to talk.

"Wow, Epic Fantasy... so it's like tons of sex and epic sex and all the shenanigans?" He asked me point blank with something utterly foolish -- sex?

"What! No! It's not that kind of fantasy. Those are erotica fantasy. This is like Lord of the Rings fantasy. A world of its own type of fantasy" I realized my tone was a little harsh.

"Wow! I didn't know that. So, what's it all about?" He asked as he put his own book down.

"I would be so glad that we would just continue reading our own books and not get into a frenzy conversation right now. I hope you don't get offended by my request. And for your information, I'm not done with the book yet, so it's hard for me to say what the book is all about. So, would you just excuse me."

"Alright, Mr Grumpy." 

"I am not grumpy. You are irritating me! Gosh! Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Scott, I'm glad you asked." He sat up so straight by extending a handshake.

I took my time to shake his hand and said,

"[Sigh] I'm Preston."

"Now that's a name I did not expect. Preston! I like it! Presto, Presiton... Pres!" He was repeating my name like hearing it for the first time.

"It goes well on you, I guess." My face all weird out.

"No, seriously. I was expecting a John or a James or Paul..." He was miming other names.

"Not all names need to be so biblical."

"Ha! You get it! You get my jokes! You got the pun!" He was really excited.

"What are you? Twelve? You think your joke is funny?"

"At least you get my joke."

"You're the worst. Just go back to our reading, please."

"Alright, alright..." He raised both hands showing sign of surrender and softly said, "Touché..."

** 26 minutes (of silence) later **

"So Preston, you come in here often right?" He asked

I looked up at him and nodded.

"Me too. I am usually seated near the counter and I always see you walked in at this hour to order your double latté."

Now it all make sense. I was quite puzzled as to how he knows how to go along with those coffee orders by operating it so smoothly. Smooth Operatooor~~~ Stop singing! You're not Sade! 

If I took this context out, this could mean that he has been stalking me for the longest time. Is this some psychopath, it's creepy now. Oh god, should I leave? Now, I'm scared. Is he going to follow me? SHUT UP!

"Ah... that solved the puzzle the coffee order just now." I've tried so hard to sound convincing.

He seems proud. "I know right, I wanted to throw you off as though I'm a psychic. Were you shocked? Haha... So, this is very much like a date between you and me."

What? Date? Is he nuts?

"Shhh!!! What date? I don't even know you. And what makes you think that this is a date?"

"It is even more so a date. And it's our first. You know why? Date existed, so that we could get to know each other. Like what we're doing right now. I called it the "Know Each Other On the First Date" date. I don't know whether you're interested to know me but I know for sure I very interested to know you."

"Seriously? A date just to know me? You already know I liked double latté, what's the surprise in that?"

"See, we're progressing already. We, now both know we liked double latté already. And psst... newsflash I'm gay." He said it with pride with a careless whisper.

That saxophone just started playing in my head... STOP!
"You don't say. And what makes you think that I'm gay."

"I'm betting a 50-50 percent chance with myself just to see whether you are. If you are, today is my lucky day. If you're not, can we be best friends. So, are you?"

"Oui, this is so personal. I don't know why I'm telling you this and yes, I'm still in a closet." I mumbled. It is because you're so fucking hot!

"HALLELUJAH! YES!!! HAHA... HAHAHA!!!" He banged that table so hard as he shouted that 2 words. He's attracting unnecessary attention here. Jeez!

"Would you cut it out!? Everyone's staring!" I whispered with frustration.

"See, I told you. We're fated for each other. This is our first real date." He sat back with so much satisfaction.

"I did not agree to anything. There's no us, no each other, no together! So, just cut it out! And stop with all the assumptions. It's getting weird."

"Alright, alright... I'm sorry. But I'm just too excited!" He exclaimed.

"I can see that. Don't get too excited. I might not be the guy you're looking for. I mean, look at you. Have you seen you? Have you seen me? There are a major differences here. Shapes and sizes, appearances... Hello~~ are you missing something?"

"I just like how the way you talk, how honest you are towards me. It's like a breath of fresh air. You're just so original."

"I find you weird. You're weird. Can we go back to reading?"

"You're not like those guys, are you? Those guys who gives you and implication such as I'm confident with 6 packs, I have all the money in the world, and I can travel all I want have all the fun I could give you.

He sounded bitchy when he said that. And he literally ignored my reading request. So, I just played along,

"I mean, who talks like that?"

"Never mind." 

As he puts down his latté, and out of a sudden, there was a loud fart came out from him. My eyes went wide, due to sound dilation. It was really loud. If I could hear it, I think Oprah Winfrey from the other side could hear it. Oh dear god. It's so loud... so loud!

"Sorry. I just farted. I can't control it anymore." He seemed proud still until... my face got twisted as I inhale my first breath. Oh Mio Dio!

That first horrible stench and I shot at him...

"Oh my god, what the fuck Scott!? What's that smell?" I whispered.

"So sorry! That could be my lunch just now. Sweet potatoes. Dang it!"

Oh Santamaria Vergine!!! ... Bless me with your scented rose aroma now. I was looking around and I just couldn't hold it any longer and I saw some weird faces getting twisted too.

Trust me, it STINKS! And it lingers! What the hell!

"Seriously, are you looking at those faces? Gawd... They do not look happy! It's like World War 3 in here. Seriously, why is it stinking still?" 

I wanted to laugh so bad at the other's reaction but I hold it.

"Sorry, I just gave out another few silent ones" 

Oh Gesu mio! Few more? This is so bad!

I couldn't control any longer as I was looking at those twisted face and I started to lose it.

"Hey... What is it? What's so funny?" He asked and he's laughing.

"I just couldn't... " Still laughing. "Your face, their faces and that smell." laughing still "I just couldn't hold it anymore."

"Why don't we just get out of here, shall we?" He politely asked.

I nodded as I was still laughing while packing. And we both left the place in a hurry with so much laughter and embarrassment. 

As we're walking,

"Well, that was fun! At least I get know how your fart smells like on our so-called first date." I was really smiling.

"Haha! Hey, I felt bad about it. And your secret is safe with me. The closet thing. At least, it wasn't our first bad date." He was assuring me.

"It's your first fart date, not mine. I'm not there yet."

We stared at each other a few seconds and I smiled. He punch me on my should and said,

"Hey, I'm headed the other way. Let's say we are to date each other again next week? Same time same place? Our second date." He suggested.

I was giving it a thought, why not.

"Sure. Next week, same time same place. You sure?" He punch me again. "Wait, I still owe you that three fifty!"

"We are going to have that same beverage again next week. Pay for me then!" 

I gave him a nod and a smile in agreement.

We parted and with that small tiny drama episode, he just put a smile on my face for the whole damn week. 

Mr. Scotty McFart

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